Chris Paulick wrote:
Arnt, where did you get your polycarbonate? I like the clear base for routers and your's looks pretty nice. Is the bearings idea a non issue as to the free play that might be in the pivot pin adjustment?
Chris, its 15 mm acrylic. Some people don't like that way it machines and recommend polycabonate for stuff like this, I don't find it particularly difficult to work with though.
My pivot pin is 8 mm, and I doubled up the acrylic in the part where the hole for the pin is as I figured it might develop some slop there. I also use a work board under the guitar top when I use this jig, and it has a matching 8 mm hole for the pivot pin. So far, everything feels very tight and solid with this set up and I haven't felt a need to beef it up with bearings.
Oh, and remember to clamp the top to the work board before you cut the sound hole...