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My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters
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Author:  John Kinnaird [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

I dropped by to see what my brother is up too. Maybe get some ideas on how to organize a shop.

This is my favorite kind of shop. Not too neat, not TOO organized. Busy..multitasked work space.

Author:  Rod True [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Looks like a great shop there Steve [:Y:]

John, is that a one man or two man fret saw? :D

Author:  Hesh [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Excellent site visit report John.

In the second picture are/were you part of Steve's dust collection system? :lol:

It's great to see pics of a busy shop and I am a big fan of both your and Steve's guitars.

Thanks for posting this! [clap] [clap] [clap]

Author:  John Kinnaird [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Hesh I was not part of the dust collection system. I have never learned how to operate a broom, else I would have pitched in.

Rod, I believe that in Steve's system the saw is stationary and cuts are made by rubbing the wood back and forth over it. However, Steve's techniques are very proprietary and I have never actually seen this saw in use.

Author:  WaddyThomson [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Great pictures, and nice shop. I can only assume that jumbo fret wire is popular on his guitars. :D

Author:  Steve Kinnaird [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Well, this is all pretty embarrassing. Looks like a number of trade secrets are now out of the bag.
Rod, you are correct, that IS a two-man fret saw...very good!
Of course the weakness of our system is that it requires two men, and though my apprentice is up to the task, he can't handle the saw by himself.
Hesh, come on down sometime...we'd love to have you stop by.
And HEY--that goes for any OLF'ers!

Waddy, you and I were typing at the same time.
Now, you are a LOT closer than Hesh, so you should for sure come over. By the way, don't let the size of those teeth fool you.
It's a fine-cut saw for sure.


Author:  KenH [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

nice looking shop! It is the kind of shop that makes you feel at home almost immediately. My kind of place!!

Thanks for sharing!

Author:  Steve Kinnaird [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Many thanks, Ken!

Hey, here's a fun challenge--
Who can name all the woods in those 6 almost-finished guitars?
First correct answer wins something....


Author:  Brett L Faust [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Mighty fine looking guitars there .
I think they are
Black Limba
Honduran Rosewood
Black Walnut
Claro Walnut
Indian Rosewood

Author:  Billy T [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Steve Kinnaird wrote:
Hey, here's a fun challenge-- Who can name all the woods in those 6 almost-finished guitars? First correct answer wins something....

I'll name them all George Foreman! What do I win! :roll:

Author:  Colin S [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Now that looks like a true artisan's workshop. Both Kinnairds in one workshop, is that anything like two women in one kitchen? But I do have to say Steve that my glamorous assistant is well, more glamorous!

But I think my lasting memory will be the legs!


Author:  John Kinnaird [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

I want to be clear about this. There were three people in that shop. Colin, If you think that assistant was less than glamorous you should have seen the photographer (the other kinnaird). However, I do wear long pants to head off any comments about the legs

Author:  Kirt Myers [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Cool shop there.

I see the problem with the dust collector system, the bristley end should be down. ;)

Thanks for the photos.

Author:  Colin S [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

John Kinnaird wrote:
I want to be clear about this. There were three people in that shop. Colin, If you think that assistant was less than glamorous you should have seen the photographer (the other kinnaird). However, I do wear long pants to head off any comments about the legs

Oh, I realise the glamorous assistant wasn't the author John, (looks like a Kinnaird though) he is, how shall I put it, less mature.

Isn't language interesting though, to your British fans, we now have a disturbing mental image of you in 'Long Johns', to us 'pants' are underwear (shorts?), over which should be trousers.


Author:  LanceK [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Does LMI sell that fretting saw? I need one of those :shock:

Author:  douglas ingram [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

I think that shop looks very comfy, too.

I'm also curious about the binding router set up. I haven't seen one quite like that, are there any advantages, or is it just one of those things...?

Author:  John Kinnaird [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Kirt, I appreciate the help with the dust collection system. I think it will save Steve a lot of cleanup time if he just turns that broom over.

Lance, not only does LMI sell that fret saw, but they also reference where the fret wire that fits the grooves can be purchased. If memory serves I think they mention L and N rail lines.

Colin, I am at home now and it is cold up here in the hills of North Carolina. So your disturbing image is not far from the mark.

Author:  clavin [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Steve your not slotting pearl with that thing are you??

That's a shop that makes mine look messy :oops: well, my garage/shop in my little hovel anyway! Good thing one only needs like 50 square feet to do inlay..

Steve are you coming to Miami?

I would love to meet you finally. I am sharing tables with John.

Craig L

Author:  Steve Kinnaird [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Thanks for the kind words, guys. However, Colin, I'll let the remark re. the legs slide on by. ;)
(I do appreciate the kind remark about the shop!)

Brett--very good guess, there! You only missed one. I'm surprised there were not more takers. There is a tub-o-lard at stake here.

Billy--you win bragging rites on having thought of all those "Georges" second. You gotta admire GF for doing that, don'cha?

Kirt--D'OH! Palm to forehead moment.

Lance--the real value of this blade is apparent when one has to deepen, or clean out a fret slot. This is n o t a wimpy tool.

Douglas--the binding jig does what all of them do, namely holding the router perpendicular. I like a system where the guitar body stays put, and the router moves. This isn't the only way to jump over that creek, but it does work. Plus, it is buildable in one's shop. I did this one without too much trouble.

Craig--no, no trip to Miami/Newport this time. We'll catch up at some other venue.

Thanks guys,


Author:  Alain Desforges [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Great looking shop! Looks like it has high ceilings as well...

So, here's my guesstimation, from left to right:

Black Limba
African Mahogany
Black Walnut
Claro Walnut

Author:  Steve Kinnaird [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Alain, nice try, but you've actually got two wrong guesses.

Thanks for the kind remark, and the ceilings are something like 9 1/2 feet.


Author:  Dave Anderson [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Very nice shop Steve! It looks like a fine place to build your geetars.
And thanks for the photos' John. Have you two considered doing more guitars together?
OK, I'll give it a try ....
Bl. Limba
Cuban Mahogany
Bl. Walnut
Curley Maple

Author:  Steve Kinnaird [ Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Dave, thanks for the kind word. You know you omitted a guitar (!) from your guess.
And here's a hint--the one you omitted is the only one that has not been successfully identified.

My brother and I have our second collaboration guitar at Tony's right now, and while he was visiting, we started planning our third.
Maybe we should document the build.


Author:  Alain Desforges [ Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Ha! Leave it to me to screw that up! :lol:

Okay, now that I'm addicted to this guessing game!

Black Limba
Honduran Rosewood
Black Walnut
Claro Walnut

So there!!! Where do I pick up my tub-o-lard???

Author:  Dave Anderson [ Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My brothers Shop. A view of KB West headquarters

Yep, I feel like a dork now!! :D OK there are 6 guitar bods :oops:
Bl. limba
bl. walnut
curley maple
Thats great that you guys are collaborating again .Yes, document it Steve!
That would be great.

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