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got info on the Brazilian Cavaquinho?
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Author:  vachterman [ Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  got info on the Brazilian Cavaquinho?

i have long been interested in building such a thing but cant find much info about it.
from what i could gather its very close to the Hawaiian ukulele, but i'm sure there are differences.
any help will be much appreciated!

Author:  Robbie O'Brien [ Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: got info on the Brazilian Cavaquinho?

I have a cavaco rosette, tuners and plans stored away somewhere that I can't seem to find since I moved my shop. I have put out a call to my Brazilian luthier friends to see what I can find for you.

Author:  Robbie O'Brien [ Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: got info on the Brazilian Cavaquinho?

Here is what I was able to find out.

Measurements used for the classic cavaquinho Medidas usadas no cavaco clássico:

7,5 cm de altura no pé do braço - 7.5 cm body depth at neck
8,0 cm no tróculo traseiro - 8 cm. body depth at butt end
escala 34 cm - scale 34cm
largura na pestana 2,7 cm - nut width 2.7 cm.
largura da escala no 12º traste 3,8 - fretboard width at 12th fret 3.8cm
raio da boca 3,0 cm - soundhole diameter 3 cm.
3 leques apenas, no tampo e duas travessas - 3 fan braces and two transverse braces
3 travessas no fundo com distâncias proporcionais às do fundo do violão - 3 back braces spaced proportionately to the guitar back

There is a luthier in Salvador, Bahia that is using an X brace for his cavacos.
I hope this info helps.

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