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Need to buy my tools or are there shops you can rent time?
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Author:  Mr Awewome [ Wed May 07, 2008 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Need to buy my tools or are there shops you can rent time?

If I want to try to build guitars from scratch do I need to fill my basement with power tools or are there shops in existence that have a ton of power tools where people like me can rent time and build things ?

Author:  Mattia Valente [ Wed May 07, 2008 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need to buy my tools or are there shops you can rent time?

No idea, but if you buy your back/side sets pre-cut, there's really no need for a 'basement full of tools' to build a guitar. Yes, they're nice, and they make certain things easier, but you can do a lot with just hand tools (plane, chisels, rasps, files) and a few judiciously chosen power tools (laminate trimmer, like the Bosch Colt or Porter Cable 310, and a small drill press or drill with solid guide for the tuner holes).

For electrics, add an electric jigsaw and a heftier router, and you've more or less got the toolset I used to build, well, pretty much all the guitars I've completed to date (somewhere around the 10 mark, I think...)

Author:  David Collins [ Wed May 07, 2008 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need to buy my tools or are there shops you can rent time?

I don't know of any private shops around here likely to rent space or tool usage. University or community college wood shops will often have membership/rental programs available though (for the few that haven't already closed their wood shops. idunno ) A good portion of the most needed tools are specialty tools anyway that you will be best just investing in if you want to get in to building.

There is a Michigan Guild of Luthiers group that meets on occasion around here. The last meeting was here in Ann Arbor some weeks back, but I'm not sure when or where the next will be scheduled.

In any case, start your investing in books and research before tools.

Author:  JWarwick [ Wed May 07, 2008 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need to buy my tools or are there shops you can rent time?

Look for woodworkers co-ops in your area. Years ago I rented a 10'x10' space in a co-op in Alexandria, VA. Tiny, but it gave me access to all the communal tools and machinery, as well as the collective knowledge of some very skilled artisans. It was in a artsy, funky part of town, and had a small showroom for display of member's work. These things are usually not advertised, so walk the parts of your town or nearby towns where the artists hang out. You might find a co-op, or a even a woodworker willing to share space.

Also, some of the Woodcraft stores have "The Woodworkers Club" attached to them. You can join and get unlimited access (during open hours) or buy time by the hour.

Good luck!


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