Official Luthiers Forum!

How about a tool review section?
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Author:  Chris aka Sniggly [ Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  How about a tool review section?

This has probably been suggested before so if it has...belay my last. would be really cool to have a section on the OLF, yes another section, where members could post reviews of tools. I can't tell you how often I have typed "" in the search field only to come up with bunches of stuff I have to wade thru to find what I am looking for, only to not find it. There doesn't have to be a rating system or anything like that....just personal experiences and items to note...quirks...and such.

This could cover everything from jigs to giant table saws...

Yes I know there is a Jigs, Tools, and Techniques section at the top....but it's not dedicated to reviews of retail tools and stuff.

Author:  WaddyThomson [ Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How about a tool review section?

Once again the choice of titles of threads becomes a problem. If titles were "Tool Review - Druim Sanders" they would be easy to find, but they are more likely to read "Whats the best drum sander?" or "best thickness sander" or "thicknessing tops" or something like that. I think you have to search on the tool. Maybe a new section would be good, but for it to be useful, it would have to appear in the main discussion area first, then archived to the Review section. Otherwise, there would be no discussion, which is the only way they work. More work for the administrators.

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