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Humidity fluctuation Gluing braces
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Author:  Ron M. [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Humidity fluctuation Gluing braces

I'm ready to glue the braces on my top. The temp/humidity outside is 77 degress F. & 43% humidity, which is ideal for guitar building from what I've learned. Inside my shop the temperature is around 83 degrees and the humidity fluctuates between 35-40%

My question: Is it ok to procede with gluing on the braces despite the fluctuation? In NYC It's been very humid lately. Today and tomorrow the humidity will be low, and then It's back to hot humid weather, so i need to get this done. I have a closet that i will store the guitar in to control the humidity levels once the bracing has been done. Thanks for any help.

Ron M.

Author:  Howard Klepper [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humidity fluctuation Gluing braces

What fluctuation? 35-40%? Go ahead and glue.

Author:  Ron M. [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humidity fluctuation Gluing braces

Hi Howard,
Thanks for your reply. Since I started this thread the relative humidity level has dropped to the low 30's. Should I wait for It to go back up?

A rare NYC summer day, indeed. 8-)

Ron M.

Author:  Heath Blair [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humidity fluctuation Gluing braces

if you have a controlled environment to keep the guitar parts in when you are not working, there doesnt seem to be a problem. the fluctuation you are describing does not seem like much to me. i dont have a way to control humidity in my shop and ive worked in greater swings than that with no problems. i use a go bar deck to glue the braces and just leave the top or back plate in the deck when im not working on it.

while the humidity shifts outside, does the humdity in your shop stay pretty constant? i know in my air conditioned/heated house, humidity stays reletive constant. humidity has been stuck at 40% +/- 2% for weeks now with no humidifier/dehumidifier. in live in central california though, so your shop will probably be different. oh, forgot to mention... i have a shop outside with all of my large tools and a "shop" in a bed room inside where i do most of my carving and store wood.

good luck and show us your progress.

Author:  Heath Blair [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humidity fluctuation Gluing braces

by the way, it is better to glue up in a slightly dry environment and have the humidity rise than it is to glue up in a slightly wet environment and watch the humidity fall. the arch that most people impart to the top and back plates allows the wood to swell better than it does contract. so if it is wet and the humidity drops, you might end up with a potato chip for a guitar back or top; or cracks. no fun. thats my very inexperienced advice.

Author:  Ron M. [ Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humidity fluctuation Gluing braces

Thanks for the help hblair, and for all the useful information. I appreciated It.

Ron M.

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