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Grizzly drum sander
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Author:  mblue [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Grizzly drum sander

Hello, this is my first post, and I am hoping that the "Main Discussion Forum" is the correct place tor this subject.
Does anyone know anything about the "Grizzly Baby Drum Sander"?
Here is a link...
I am thinking about getting that one, or a Jet 10-20.
The Grizzly uses the "hook and loop" type sanding paper.
It uses a rubber type conveyor belt, instead of a sandpaper type.
It looks very sturdy, and it got some good reviews on amazon.
The biggest drawback that I see, is the specs show the minimum thickness to be .125".
I don't see why that would be... maybe the softer, hook and loop paper starts to touch the rubber conveyor belt, closer than .125".
Ok, I'm talking (typing) too much.
Any info would be appreciated.

Author:  letseatpaste [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grizzly drum sander

The biggest drawback is that it's closed-ended and you can't put a joined top or back through it, which is a pretty serious limitation. I'm real happy with my Performax 10-20, which I bought mainly because of space issues. If I had it to do over, I'd probably have just gotten the 16-32 and made space, but the 10-20 has fit the bill so far.

Author:  DYeager [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grizzly drum sander

I agree, 12" is too limiting. If you could cough up $300 more, could you get by with 16" in your joined tops and backs? I got a 24" General, because the majority of my panels are 18" wide - it's a champ.

You can overcome the minimum thickness problem by covering a piece of 3/4" mdf with medium sandpaper on both sides (for traction) and using it for a base under your work. I've been able to thickness down to 0.013 - 0.014" before total destruction sets in.

Author:  stan thomison [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grizzly drum sander

The only problem with 12" is if do the "thickness sanding" of tops and backs. Other than those things nothing is 12" wide. You can do sides, braces etc. You can thin tops and backs after thinning. Thing is for 250 or less you can you get the open end 18". I have that and other than messing around to much with tracking it does a great job. Built in dust collection, but it is a blower and not suction. That said, I hooked up my main dust collector with it and it will blow the bags open alll the way, using both units I have very little if any dust, Sucker is heavy though. Like said one gripe is tracking and I have fought that more than should need to. I think it is my particulaar machine though as they say not a major problem with the unit though.

Author:  mblue [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grizzly drum sander

Thanks for the replies. This will be for ukuleles, so the width would probably be ok.
Actually, I was thinking that both sides being closed might result in a more rigid machine.
I wonder how long it would have taken me to think of using a piece of fiberboard to go thinner. If I ever thought of it.
With all of the overall positive things I have read about the Jet, I am pretty sure I will get the 10-20.
Thanks very much.

Author:  mblue [ Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grizzly drum sander

Stan, are you saying that you have the 12" baby Grizzly?
It sounds like you basically like it. Is that true?
Also, what open end 18" for $250 are you talking about?

Author:  Mike OMelia [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Grizzly drum sander

Let you in on a little secret. If you will contact General Industrial Supply (Nashville, TN) and tell them you would like one for $450 (that is almost $200 off list) you may score. Tell them you saw some go for that recently on ebay. Shipping is $60.

I got one and another fellow Glenn got one recently (Jet or Performax 10-20). Search this forum.

Oh, and when it arrives, crank the drum up high and remove that dam drum holder before turning on the conveyor.


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