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HVLP lacquer spraying
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Author:  jsimpson [ Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  HVLP lacquer spraying

Hi gang -
I recently got an inexpensive HVLP gun (Grizzley H7669 Professional HVLP Spray Gun 1.4mm). Shooting McFaddens lacquer with it, wondering what percentage to thin, if at all? I shot the initial coats on a guitar the other day, which I thinned by 20%...the flow was okay, coverage was good, but seemed to be drying very quickly and never really did look "wet". I might have been spraying a little too quickly, I suppose. Orange-peeled a little too, but adjusting the air pressure seemed to fix that.

Thin it out a little more, would you suppose?

Author:  TonyKarol [ Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HVLP lacquer spraying

You just need to play with it ... try different pressures and material viscosity till you find the balance that works for you. I would think that 10-20 percent thinner is lots for a 1.4mm tip ... change the pressure first. You might just be spraying to fast to get a good wet coat as well.

Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HVLP lacquer spraying

There is no one correct answer as ambient temperature, temperature of the media and humidity level at the time of spraying will affect the required viscosity.

Using a viscosity cup is helpful here. If not familiar with one of these, they are a cup with an orifice at a given size and a fill line. You time the flow out of the cup to gauge the viscosity of the fluid. Most guns spray nitro well at 18-20 second flow time through a viscosity cup.

Author:  Jim Watts [ Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HVLP lacquer spraying

You also might experiment with the distance to the guitar. Too far away will spray on dry.

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