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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 6:16 pm 
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First name: Lance
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Its been a good long while since we have had a who-R-ya and where ya from post!
I thought id start one to get some good karma started! bliss

Lance Kragenbrink
Vandercook Lake Mi,
I work at a Bulk mailing firm in Ann Arbor, been there since 1984. Computer guy.
I build between 4 and 6 guitars a year, just enough to keep me busy.
That said, I am coming to a crossroads soon. The guitar biz is showing very postive
signs of taking off. I try balance my day job, wife, kids, church and guitars, (not always in that
order) the best I can ;)

SO! Who are ya and where ya from! NUBIES step out and lets meet you!

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PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 6:39 pm 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood

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First name: Jim
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Jim Kirby
Newark, Delaware

I'm a professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Delaware, in the Ocean Engineering group.
I do work on ocean waves and a whole host of wave-related phenomena (nearshore currents, wave breaking, tidal circulation, water quality, ocean acoustics and optics). web site is I've been building guitars slowly and sporadically since 2001, and I've completed 2 Tele's, a lap steel, one OM-sized steel string, and just finishing up my 4th classical guitar now. If I'm lucky, I finish 2 guitars a year now. No plans to change the balance between oceanography and luthiery anytime soon. Married, three kids, oldest starting grad school this fall, youngest (twins) still in high school.

Jim Kirby

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 7:18 pm 

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heath blair
visalia, ca

im 29 years old and have been dreaming about building a guitar for a handful of years now - finally got started this year. during the day i work for the southern california gas company doing commercial and industrial natural gas measurement and regulation. good job. i might not be able to afford this hobby otherwise. ive been married four years now and have an amazing little girl that is four months old.

sweat the small stuff.

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 7:39 pm 
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Location: Raleigh, NC
First name: Ringo
My friends call me Ringo. I am in Raleigh, NC. I started out as a chemical engineer but switched over to writing software during the dot com boom. Currently I split my time between writing software, managing an investment portfolio, playing guitar, and building. It's a good mix for me.

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 7:51 pm 

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Mike Manuele
Hillsdale, NJ

Formerly a musician, for the past 13 years I've been making my living as an IT guy, currently managing a network at a NYC broadcast company (we provide syndicated radio programs that you all know, and some you probably wish you didn't :) )

My building started with a dulcimer I made out of Home Depot mahogany and hand tools in 1990, and then built my first guitar from a Stew-Mac kit in 1991, a D-28 that I still play. Didn't build anything again until a few years ago when I made a neck for a 45-year-old dread body that was given to me (someone's abandoned project) by an acquaintance. I don't think I would have started building again if it wasn't for my friend giving me that guitar body.

I decided to build a classical a little over a year ago - mostly because I've been playing since 1973, originally took classical lessons for 4 years (age 12-16) and never owned a decent classical guitar.
So now I'm the proud owner of a 1937 Hauser style classical which took 14 months for me to make (a few months was spent on making tools, etc). It sounds amazing, too bad I still can't play those Antonio Lauro pieces worth a darn :D

Next up is an SG (I have a nice LP, but I always wanted that mid '70's FZ guitar), and I have archtop plans calling me, as soon as I can save a few more dollars for wood I can get started.

Although I mostly lurk here on the forum, I've found it to be a terrific place to learn, to be amazed at and inspired by the quality of work you folks are doing.

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 8:10 pm 

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My name is Brad Way and I live in Avon, Ohio (Suburb west of Cleveland). I spend my days working as a Manufacturing Engineering Manager at a company that makes very large gears and gearboxes. As for my building, I have been working on my first acoustic but have spent many years messing around with building various parts for basses.

Avon, OH

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 8:35 pm 
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Location: Ottawa, Canada
Pat Hawley, Ottawa, Canada
Director, Reactor Thermalhydraulics Division,
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission is Canada's federal nuclear regulator. My group reviews the safety cases for the power reactors operating in Canada. So if anyone wants to know something about CANDU reactors, I'm your guy.

I have three kids and they all play guitar. My daughter has a masters in music and my two sons are still in university studying biology and chemistry. My wife is the new artistic director of the Ottawa children's choir. See She also plays guitar.

I'm currently finishing my 7th guitar and it looks like two a year is what I can do as long as I keep my day job. My goal is to be able to consistently build a decent guitar by the time I retire which will be in a few years. Then I'd like to build six to eight a year for family, friends and charity. I'd also like to sell enough to stay even in cost and also to see what they are worth to people that don't know me.


There are three kinds of people:

Those that make things happen,
those that watch things happen,
and those that wondered what happened.

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:02 pm 

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Chad Goobie
Ottawa (Kanata) Ontario, Canada.

I'm in my late 20's, working as an IT consultant supporting SAP ERP systems. I've been playing guitar since about 7 or 8 years olds. I've always been interested in wood working and building things. I've always had the desire to build a guitar and last year I finally decided to do it. Built a dreadnought kit from LMI. Turned out far better than I ever imagined and now I'm hooked! I just strung up my second guitar, my first "scratch" build two nights ago. Even after only having completed one, the improvement is quite apparent yet, so are the little things that I will need to improve upon. It certainly provides motivation to build another!

Thanks to everyone here who have unknowingly helped me build these guitars... I've gotten a lot of great information here from your collective experience. I hope one day I can contribute back.


Has there ever been an Ottawa area OLF meet? I'd be really interested to meet some other lutihers in the area and seeing their work.

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:07 pm 

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Michael Jin
New York City

I'm 23 years old (turning 24 this November) and I'm currently working as a lab technician for my father's photo lab. I was recently (and thankfully) let go from my previous job working in a Manhattan photo lab. The reason I say that I'm thankful is because working with my father allows me flexibility with time that I didn't have previously and also lets me help out my family at the same time. I currently live with my parents, have a girlfriend and attend church regularly. My former position as the leader of my young adult group's worship team was where I first got my inspiration to build guitars.

I am currently working on my first build and tooling up as I move along with it. My goal is to eventually build guitars professionally. Music has always been a passion of mine and I want to build guitars that will reflect my faith and passion. I pray the guitars I make can be my voice and testimony to those long after I am gone.

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:44 pm 
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Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:21 am
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First name: Jim Howell

My name is Jim Howell. My wife and I live in Lakeland, Michigan, a nice little place about 45 minutes northwest of Detroit with a marina thats open sometimes, a Post Office which doesn't deliver and a tavern that does! Eat Drink

I'm a database developer that specializes in Micro$oft SQL Server. Prior to computers, my livelihood was made doing civil engineering design and manual drafting. I came to guitar building by futzing around with e-Bay and pawn shop guitar repairs after stumbling across a book by Dan Erlewine in Borders. I found out about kits and John Hall has fed my fire. [:Y:] I've spent the past six months or so getting ready for my first scratch build and will be thicknessing the plates in the next week or so. I'm in my late 50's, so official geezerhood quickly approaches. This is a wonderful forum that is feeding a really wonderful hobby. My only wish is that I would have started building decades ago.

Jim Howell
Charlotte, NC

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:45 pm 
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Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:06 pm
Posts: 157
Hi all,

Gabriel Regalbuto, 35 and father of twin girls just starting junior high. Husband of a beautiful wife, whom I respect all the more after having given birth myself - to a few instruments. It has been a painful and joyous experience. I'm on my third guitar, and it might come out well enough to post here - if I can get a decent finish on it.

I live in Carlsbad, CA, North of San Diego and spend all my personal time flying paragliders or in my shop trying not to screw up, or fixing screw-ups, or, on occasion, completing tasks without incident. I work in a chair, in front of a computer, editing corporate videos and creating motion graphics for them.

My goals: fly in the Andes and Himalaya, build a guitar that gives me the chills like my 12 string Yairi, achieve Brazilian Rosewood status, and have the experience to offer the kind of sage advice so often found on these pages.

The Canadians in the crowd will recognize my avatar and signature. Not a self-portrait, the kitty lover is Bubbles, from my favorite TV show, The Trailer Park Boys, and the signature, "Freedom 35," is the plan of the main characters to make enough money through petty theft and weed growing to retire by 35. Any given show has a catastrophe much worse and infinitely funnier than a sloppy binding channel or sagging finish.

Gabriel Regalbuto
Carlsbad, California
Freedom 35!

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:20 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:15 pm
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First name: Ken
Last Name: Hageman
City: Statesville
State: NC
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I am Ken Hageman and live in Davidson, NC. I am 61 years old. I am married and have four grown, out of college, out of the house and gamefully employed children. Three grandkids. My wife and I have been enjoying the "empty nest" status more than we ever imagined!! I own and operate a screenprinting and embroidery business. You have seen my work if you have attended the Healsburg Guitar Festival (printed the shirts in 2003 and 2005 and embroidered them in 2007) or own a Guild of American Luthiers ballcap. We have also printed and embroidered items for Kenny Hill and Dave Schramm. I play guitar poorly, but everyday. I got interested in building a classical guitar in 1965 when I took the Sloan book out of the library. I learned woodworking from my father and have constructed everything from furniture to building my home and workshop. I didn't build my first instrument until 2000. I have built several since in the Hauser and Rodriguez bracing patterns. Listening, building and playing the classical guitar is something I hope to have more time to do when I can finally retire.

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:22 pm 
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First name: Waddy
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City: Charlotte
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Hi all. I'm Waddy Thomson, age 63, living in Charlotte, NC for the last 30 years. I have two sons, both married and both living elsewhere, and one granddaughter, that my wife and I love to spoil rotten, and send back home. I'm a headhunter, specializing in recruitment of Environmental, Health & Safety Professionals for industrial clients. Took up guitar at the age of about 35 when my son gave up his cheapo plywood classical for an electric. I figured I'd teach myself to play. No such luck. Found a teacher that let me try some stuff, and decide what I liked. Seems the classical side stuck, and I have been playing for some 25+ years, but somewhere back there, 24 years ago, I started playing in an ensemble, and 15 years ago we started playing at the Renaissance Festival here in Charlotte. Our ensemble is called The Rosewood Guild, and we play, mostly, renaissance and Celtic types of music. Doing this has taken a toll on my solo playing and practicing. Anyway, I was very interested in classical guitar construction from the beginning of my playing, and really wanted to build one, but somehow, life, elderly parents, and a host of other things kept me from pulling the trigger until last year. Now I'm hooked. I have even started working on renewing my solo skills that I have mostly lost. Working on #'s 2 and 3 now.


Photobucket Build Album Library

Sound Clips of most of my guitars

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:23 pm 
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Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:55 am
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Location: Lorette, Manitoba, Canada
Doug Ingram

Lorette, Manitoba, just outside of Winnipeg, Canada.

45 (ouch) Still married to my first wife, 3 kids, the oldest graduating high school this June.

Bachelor of Fine Arts, painting, and Bachelor of Education specializing in secondary art education, which is why I'm a full time professional canoe builder who builds guitar, classicals, in the canoe shop.

Here's shot of one that I took off of the mold today. 18'6" Freighter to be used for racing in northern Manitoba. Its beside a 14' that I need to finish, too.

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Expectation is the source of all misery; comparison the thief of joy.

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:37 pm 

Joined: Sun May 20, 2007 2:47 pm
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i'm phil campbell-enns. i live in steinbach, manitoba, canada - only about 20 minutes away from doug in lorette (doug, we really should get together sometime!)
i'm 39, married for 14 years, and the father of two beautiful young girls.
my vocation also happens to be my calling - i'm an associate pastor. my a-vocation has turned out to be building. i just had the pleasure of listening to a great singer/songwriter play my 8th guitar, then buy it. he was pretty excited about his new musical partner, but the pleasure was all mine.
i'm hoping that i can continue to complete 2-3 guitars a year.

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 12:14 am 

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My name is Peter Pii,I'm 57 married with children, my buddys call me Piiman, (hence my username)I do feel that you are my buddies cause only buddies would give such great advice so openly and freely.

I'm a Canuck and live in Fruitvale B.C. Canada
Had my own Custom millwork shop from which I retired from 14 months ago.
I then built a 24 by 32 shop beside my house and am now working on guitars # 5 & 6 which are commisions.
It just doesn't get any better than this!!!

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 12:16 am 
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Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:52 am
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First name: Cal
Last Name: Maier
City: Crossfield
State: AB
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Status: Professional
Cal Maier, Retired.
I'm 60 years old, started playing guitar at 17, played in various bands touring western Canada during the 60's and 70's. Got interested in, and started repairing guitars while working at Arcade Music in Calgary, Ab in the late 60's.
Owned my own Music Store and guitar repair shop in Red Deer, Ab in the late 70's and into the 80's. Also got a recording engineering degree, and started a recording studio in Red Deer in the 80's. Taught Recording engineering, music business and music ensemble at Red Deer College.

Moved to Kelowna, BC 12 years ago and have been retired for a year. Still doing repair work(mostly the stuff that the local stores and repair guys can't handle) and began building my first acoustic last Dec.07. Had built a couple of solid bodys in the past and a dulcimer or two. I'm just puting the finish on my third guitar (an 0-16 style body) and will post some pics when it's done. BTW I just got my first order for and OM-28 style.

I've mostly been an interested spectator and lurker, but I have gotten some very valuable info from this forum's members and the vast knowledge base here. [:Y:]

Thank you, and I hope that I can contribute in some small way.

Cal bliss

Remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers!

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:58 am 

Joined: Tue May 13, 2008 9:45 am
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Neil Gardiner
Just turned 50 yesterday.
Live in a small town just outside of London Ontario Canada.
Working now on my first guitar. As far as I can tell it's maybe a little over half way done.
By day I work as a graphic designer for a ladies show company.
I play guitar, write songs, do a fair bit of home recording.


PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 7:52 am 
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Why not?

Laurent Brondel, 43 years old, born in Paris, France. Moved to New-York City in 1999, then to rural Maine in 2003. Was a professional musician for 18 years (guitar player), last tour in 1996 in Japan with the Francis Lai Orchestra. Released a bunch of electronic music vinyls and CDs, last release on Skam records in 2003. Also worked as sound engineer/producer for a few CDs by Cuong Vu (Pat Metheny Group), Myra Melford and various others. Worked as a senior computer tech in an IT dpt. (Forbes Magazine) for a few years before moving to Maine. Since then have been doing carpentry, farm work, a short tour in France in 2004 with Jackie Berroyer & friends, worked at Pantheon guitars with Dana Bourgeois & crew for a little over a year. Also collaborate with my wife, video artist Virginia Valdes, on her installations and videos (last one for "The green show", Bates Museum in Lewiston, Maine 2007). About to buy and restore a 1900 cape here in Sumner, Maine, more fixer than upper, but 7 acres of good land. Life is busy and exciting.

Laurent Brondel
West Paris, Maine - USA

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 8:15 am 
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WOW .. blown away by the number of Canucks that have already posted in this thread. All you Ottawa guys - where were you on May 2nd ??? .. you should have been out to see Tommy Emmanual at Dominion Chalmers Church downtown, I was there exhibiting, we could have had a grand old time (those who did come out know it !!!).

I live in Mississauga, outside Toronto with my lovely wife Marion, and boys Jonathan and Alexander, both 10. Been building since I was in high school (electrics) and turned to acoustics in 99. Full time since 2001 when the telecom industry politely asked me to leave - twice, after 16 years. I recently completed guitar number 72, and will pass 80 later this year. If I included my students guitars, close to 100 have left my shop.

Anyway .. time to get back to work .. those pencils (chisels) dont push themselves laughing6-hehe

Tony Karol
"let my passion .. fulfill yours"

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 8:38 am 
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First name: John
Last Name: How
City: Auburn
State: Ca
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John How
Cool, California
Full time luthier - After my former employer asked me to move back to the big city.
Retired commercial satellite flyer
I am in my 2nd year as a fulltime luthier Last year I did about 12 guitars, this year I have done at least that many already. Backlog is not as big as I'd like it but hopefull of getting there.

Tickle your guitar daily, and it'll tickle you back.

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 8:39 am 

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Hello - I am Ken Bremer, retired technology education (shop) teacher. 57 years old, bought a left handed guitar on Ebay 2 years ago, and discovered the reason that I could never play guitar. Decided to put woodworking knowledge and musical interests together. I live in Madison, Wisconsin - grew up in the Detroit area, which as they say is a nice place to be from.

I took a 3 week workshop at Vermont Instruments this past October. A wonderful experience, taught by a master luthier, George Morris. I am putting together the items needed for my own guitar making - have built the side bender, circle jig, and a few other necessary items. Working on sharpening chisels and plane irons.

I have acquired enough wood for several guitars - I recently took a trip up to the real northwoods - Ashland, Wisconsin and Timeless Timbers - they recover wood from lakes in Canada and elsewhere. I bought some Flaming Birch, and Birdseye Maple, and it is resawn and ready to go. I also recently took a trip to Paracho, Mexico while visiting my daughter. We found the motherlode - the man who supplies the wood to the guitar makers. I bought some Cocobolo from him and carried it home. L

Love to lurk, and occasionally post on the forum. Will start guitar number two this summer.

Ken Bremer
Madison, Wisconsin

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:36 am 
Old Growth Brazilian
Old Growth Brazilian

Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:56 am
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Hi, my name is Michael Payne and I have been scratch building for some eight years now, the past 6 years on a commission basis. I am a full time Mechanical Engineer in the Oil and Gas Machinery industry. I reside in the high desert of West Texas. I build mostly steel String guitars but also some classical guitars. I was introduced to fine woodworking via my grandfather working in his cabinet and furnishings shop as a young boy. I have been French polishing cabinets, furniture and instruments for some 40 years now. I do modern sprayed and padded finishing as well but French polish is my forte.

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:38 am 
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I'm Robert Eckert, born and still currently residing in Grosse Pointe, MI, which is literally a stonethrow away from Detroit. I am about to graduate high school in about 4 days, and I will be heading to the University of Michigan in the fall to study Civil Engineering (or at least I think Civil Engineering, I've been tinkering with Mechanical and Electrical Engineering too).

I got my love of wood from my grandfather, who always used to take me to lumber yards and let me pound in nails into scrap pieces of wood whenever I was around. I remember he built a dollhouse for my sister when she turned 5, and that really got me going. Unfortunately, he passed away before I was able to really start gleaning important information about woodworking from him.

I have always been a kid who played with Legos and Erecter sets, so my parents always knew that I would be building things. I took a guitar class in 6th grade, and I was hooked. I got an electric guitar shortly after that. I slowly started to get interested in learning how to build them. I started my first guitar, a custom electric, almost 2 years ago and have had mild success with it. It is proving to be quite a challenge. I hope that I will be able to get it mostly done soon so I can start on my first acoustic, which I am currently tooling up to get ready to do.

I have to thank the OLF for the countless threads that really have gotten me to appreciate the beauty of a handcrafted guitar and for giving me tons of information to help me in my luthiery quest. I know that I will always be building guitars as long as I am able to do so.

-Rob Eckert
Ann Arbor, Michigan

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:10 am 
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Dennis Leahy, 54, married, with one incredible little girl, Basia Colleen

Currently living in Duluth, MN, USA (by way of Charleston, SC, before that a couple of places in the Chicago area, before that a couple of places in Southern California, before that a couple of places in Colorado, before that I spent my first 18 years Tiffin OH. I was bored in Tiffin, so I left.)

I was a cabinetmaker, furniture maker, and architectural millworker, then a detailer, estimator and CAD draftsman for the same industries. Then, sold software to cabinetmakers and wrote users manuals and technical manuals, then learned to program, then started writing custom software, then returned to university and got a degree in computer science, then worked as an estimator and CAD draftsman again, then worked as a programmer, then started my own programming company, "7th Sense Multimedia." That's what I do now.

Took a few semesters of guitarmaking at a junior college about 25 years ago, never finished that first (EI RW/Sitka dred with a Venetian cutaway. Then, 2 years ago, I finally started another one from scratch (waterfall Bubinga/Lutz/curly cherry laminated neck, custom experimental engineering, custom shape with compound Venetian cutaway and adjustable neck) and finished it. Now I have made molds for 3 more "models" that I engineered/designed, with a total of 5 new guitars just barely started. I have a deep and severe W.A.S. affliction, and have enough wood now for probably 75 guitars (at least.) Hope I live long enough and healthy enough to build them all!


Dennis Leahy
Duluth, MN, USA
7th Sense Multimedia

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