James, I have a couple of guitars on the go right now and I'll try and shoot some pictures when pore filling with CA and post in a thread soon.
First off the Safety talk. Although CA is not toxic, it sure does stink and the fumes can burn the eyes. So make sure and wear some goggles (like the ones in your avatar James) and a respirator when applying. Also it might be good to set up a small fan to blow the fumes away from you. OK there you go.
It's really very easy though. I've used med visc CA a few times but I've switched to thick viscosity CA now as it allows for a bit more time to spread it. What ever brand I can get at the local tool supply store is what I use, I think it's
starbond though as they are a major manufacturer of CA glues and you can buy directly from them at a good cost savings.
As far as hom much is used. for a neck, you only need a small amount, about 1/4 of a 2oz bottle maybe less. A body takes about 1-1/2 2oz bottles depending of course on the wood, the size and number of pores to fill.
I just use a folded up paper towel. Pour some of the CA onto the paper towel and wipe it on the neck, filling the pores. Work along the neck filling the pores till your all done. The paper towel will get hard of course so just turn it over or use a new piece. Let it sit for about 30 mins then sand level back to the wood with 220. I think one could wait less time but if you are filling pores on a body as well, just move on to the body and when you're done with that go sand the neck.
After sanding, wipe down the neck with naptha or solvent wait for it to flash off and look for shiny spots, these will be pores that didn't get fully filled, add a bit more CA to the low spots, let cure and sand level again. Wipe down with naptha again and see if all the pores are filled.
When you're satisfied with your pore filling, you're ready to start finishing.
On the body you can just do the same thing as the neck, paper towel and wipe it on. I've never used a credit card or squeegy but I'm sure that would work great too. Just don't let the plastic get stuck to the wood
I love pore filling with CA as long as I have a fan blowing away the fumes and I'm wearing the right safety gear. It's quick and works as good as any other method out there. I'm pretty sure Sylvan Wells has been using CA to pore fill for many many years. That where I got the idea from.
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