Hi OLFer's!
For your viewing pleasure, I have just published a profile of Western Australian Sheoak complete with photos. It's an amalgam of information I have been squirreling away for my own reference and I've decided to formally compile everything I've learnt into an easy to access database. As always, improvements, corrections and additional information/ your own experiences are much appreciated- I'll update the profile citing you and linking back to you!
I can't link pics directly to here so do pop by to
http://guitarbench.com/index.php/2008/09/17/western-sheoak-tonewood-database/ for the full Visual presentation. As always, I present the text portion of the interview for your consideration- although I do highly recommend popping by to see the pics!
Warmest regards,
http://www.guitarbench.comCasuarina fraserana| Tonewood Profile | "Western Sheoak"
All pictures - Click to enlarge!
Please email with any corrections/ additional info
We aim to keep each profile as complete as possible & your help is appreciated!
Quick Facts
Scientific name: Casuarina fraserana
Trade names: Western Sheoak
Janka: 1900
Uses: Back & sides, drop tops
RIYL: Koa, Mahogany
Bling factor: Shows Strong medullary rays
Availability: Limited
CITES status: Not listed. No restrictions
Note: (RIYL) Recommended If You Like
Bling factor rated out of a maximum of 10, based on the most highly figured sets we have seen.
[Ed.- read more about this and other Australian Tonewoods in Jack Spira's fantastic article... here!]
Natural History
Western Sheoak is an erect dioecious with a limited range in South West Autralis from Perth to Albany. It attains heights of 15m in it's woodland and open forest habitat.
Named after the botanist, Charles Fraser, the first specimen was collected in 1840 by Johann Priess.
Priess was a German born botanist and zoologist who between 1838-42 collected over about 200,000 plant specimens in Western Australia. Charles Fraser was also a famous botanist, based in New South Wales, Australia. How Fraser, who is blamed for the failure of the Swan River expedition due to inaccurate reporting of soil conditions had this species names after him and not Priess is not clear.
Western Sheoak has a limited range but is not widely exploited although it is now gaining popularity for turning and decorative uses due to it's broadm prominent medullary rays.
Physical properties
The timber is a deep red colour with an even and fine grain. It exhibits a large medullary ray figure which can be very attractive.
Western Sheoak has a Janka rating of around 1900 and a Specific Gravity around 0.8.
As a tonewood...
It's use has been limited to the Australian builders butbends well and works as a back and sides wood.
Jack Spira says:"The W A sheoak on the other hand seems a perfect density, is easy to work and bends well. I have found a marked difference in sound between the well quarter sawn backs, which have the broad medullarys going right across. "
Subjective tone...
My experience with sheoak is that the tone is much like a vintage mahogany with very open overtones.
Jack Spira again: " Guitars with well quartered sheoak backs have a lot of volume and projection, quite bright, but not as many overtones as blackwood I think, so a more woody, less metallic brightness. The guitars with Sheoak backs sawn on the rift, or the beautiful lace figured ones with grain going everywhere seem to make quieter, more polite sounding instruments."
Limited sources in southwest Australia.
http://asgap.org.au/eregn.htmlJack Spirka
http://www.jackspiraguitars.com/Special thanks to Jack Spira for his time, data and pictures
Alexander Rule "Forests of Australia"
©2008 Terence Tan.
Pictures copyright individual holders.
Any infringement of copyright is entirely unintentional. Any copyright issues should be address to:
writers@guitarbench.com. We will attempt to resolve these issues quickly.