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Delta Bandsaw Info Bonanza...Iturra Catalog
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Author:  JJ Donohue [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Delta Bandsaw Info Bonanza...Iturra Catalog

I was recently asking a few of our resident bandsaw experts as to what resaw blade I should purchase for my 14" Delta Bandsaw (American made). Don Williams directed me to Iturra design of Jacksonville, FL. for their Bladerunner resaw blades. They don't have a website so I called their Toll Free # ( 866-883-8064) and spoke with Lou Iturra himself...for about 45 minutes. What an education!

Lou explained that the Bladerunner @ $22.00 is identical to the Woodslicer blade @ $36.00 sold by Highland Hardware (3/4" x 105" x .022"). He also sold me on the idea of installing a high tension spring to optimize the 3/4" blade.

So a few days later, my stuff arrives along with his 250 page catalog that I have found to be a fantastic source of information...actually far more educational information than product! He is definitely geared to the 14" Delta Bandsaw and much of his testing compares the American made Delta to the rest of the product out there. Most of the accessories and upgrades are developed, tested and manufactured by Iturra and he has data to back up his claims...something always appreciate. He also carries high end measuring equipment, books and other goodies.

Give him a call and at least get the won't be disappointed...guaranteed!

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