rahimiiii wrote:
I would say don't work more than an hour each day unless it is your job, in that case you should still walk away for about 5 minutes an hour and just take a break and come back to it when you feel ready. There's nothing worse than making an error in judgment and having to start over.
Oh and also when you are drilling tuner holes just drill the correctly sized hole with a drill press... don't try to enlarge a hole with a drill bit, because there's a good chance that the bit will grab the piece and spin it around, which it did and enlarged the hole too much. Good thing I am using schaller style tuner so it will be covered, but if you are enlarging holes, use a reamer...
This depends on your own threshhold of what you find enjoyable.
alot of hobbyists will not work on there guitars all week and then spend a whole day in the shop working on there guitars.
this can be both relaxing and enjoyable for those people.
also you will get jobs that you find frustrating and while its not good to work on a peice if its causing frustration the best thing to do is just to put it down for an hour or so and work on another peice until you feel ready to go back to the problem peice.
quite often you will look at the problem in a diferent light once you get back to it.
learning any trade is about leaning to cope with parts that may not be the most enjoyable for you.
for example i hate binding but the more i do it the more i come to enjoy it.
i just have to make sure that i take my time doing it and dont rush.
its allways tempting to rush a part you dont enjoy.
but in actual fact if you take your time you avoid making mistakes and this will save time in the long run.
as for drilling out your tuner holes,
i allways go up in two steps (pilot hole and then actual size) with a 1mm bit and a brad point as its more likely to be dead center as long as the headstock is clamped to the drill press table the headstock will not spin.
i only use a reamer if i am installing larger tuners on a guitar
reamers tend to make tapered holes which look a little untidy.