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ASW News 10/3/2019
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Author:  Alaska Splty Woods [ Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  ASW News 10/3/2019 website gets a lot of traffic. Normal is 2000 hits per hour from all over the world. Well when doing some maintenance and testing with my webmaster in Utah, the site was loading very-very slow. Found out the hits jumped from 2000/hr to over 20,000/hr...the site was getting attacked by a web bot. Word fence keeps our data secure, but when that attack is happening legitimate visitors would experience that pages would load so slow, get discouraged and leave.
Troy turned on a tool that will be like a gate watchman and check that a visitor to the site is actually viewing data received through a browser. It will delay access by up to 5 seconds.. but once cleared, your in and it will work like it should.

Also, Free ASW T-shirt offer continues for orders over $200[of product]. Tell the world you support "woods for the worlds music, in harmony with the land"

Author:  doncaparker [ Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ASW News 10/3/2019


Will it be one of those "prove you are not a robot" tests that asks which panes show a stop light, or a truck, etc.? Not an issue; I think they are kinda fun. And I appreciate the confirmation that, in fact, I am not a robot. Never hurts to check.

And I definitely like anything that allows websites to function efficiently for the real customers.

Author:  Alaska Splty Woods [ Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ASW News 10/3/2019

doncaparker wrote:

Will it be one of those "prove you are not a robot" tests that asks which panes show a stop light, or a truck, etc.? Not an issue; I think they are kinda fun. And I appreciate the confirmation that, in fact, I am not a robot. Never hurts to check.

And I definitely like anything that allows websites to function efficiently for the real customers.

No. not a captcha..

The setting in cloud-flare of attack mode is just turned on.. But Troy will turn it off when the computer bot leaves and traffic returns to normal.. Our site is on the same server as several of Troys, and he monitors all of them enough to notice when things like this happen and can determine where the attack is happening. check out this screen shot
normal 2000 hits spikes up to 56,000

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