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Another one bites the dust
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Author:  B. Howard [ Sun Oct 13, 2019 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Another one bites the dust

And it appears anoithger fine American small lutherie that made very high quality instruments will be making things in Asia..... While Eastman is high quality for imports it shows a shift in focus from making quality guitars to making money...

Author:  Chris Pile [ Sun Oct 13, 2019 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Another one bites the dust

Dana has been at it for a long time, since the 70's. Stands to reason he'd want to keep his legacy alive. I can't fault him at all for hooking up with a builder of quality. Eastman is great stuff in my experience - their electrics and archtops are terrific. Heck, I even own 2 of their archtops - an AR-804 and an AR-810. Not much experience with their flattops, which I will guess is because they haven't needed my attention beyond a few with fret sprout awhile back.

Author:  Hesh [ Sun Oct 13, 2019 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Another one bites the dust

That's a very well written press release on Dana's site and explains it all very well.

Dana and crew will still be making some of what I know to be the finest guitars in the world stateside they are simply expanding much like PRS did to have international partners, production and distribution.

Knowing what I know about the biz Dana will likely be far more free to concentrate on the higher end models and let the overseas production focus on what they do best in China in my experience and that is more entry level to mid line instruments.

I agree with Chris Eastman makes some great stuff, it's not perfect but then what is. Their mandos are excellent quality, tone and values too.

By the way I'm a fan of Dana and have never met him. I recall being asked to check out one of his instruments that a mutual client purchased while the return period was still active. It was one of the finest sounding, superbly built guitars I've ever played or seen. It had a torrified Adi top and sounded just killer right out of the gate. Last week I worked on another Dana guitar that is about ten years old, same story, superb build quality, tone to die for, fit and finish of the highest levels.

Eastman is a good match for Dana and this will likely be profitable for all concerned if the coming recession doesn't get like the last one...

Wishing them the best of luck and success!

Author:  rlrhett [ Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another one bites the dust

I have met Dana (don't mean to sound familiar, but I struggle spelling his last name). I took a voicing seminar from him and wish him the best.

That said, I don't understand this move. Dana's guitars are exquisite, but they do not represent any technological advancements. It is all very standard construction and design. Yes, they feature price-is-no-object wood selection and attention to detail. But what makes it a Bou#$@% is that they are hand made by a master luthier and his apprentices. A factory made Bour@#$ is simply called a "Martin".

How will you tell a standard Eastman from one of his? I fear it is a short sighted move that will dilute his legacy rather than preserve it. If the already saturated market is suddenly flooded with re-branded Eastman guitars, won't that take the luster off of the Bour#$@ brand?

Author:  AndyB [ Tue Oct 15, 2019 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another one bites the dust

Dana will succeed, and make money doing it. Craft in the name of not making money is a poor argument; or an argument of the poor.

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