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Warped electric guitar body
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Author:  Loke [ Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Warped electric guitar body

Hello! I have a pretty intresting idea regarding a onepiece guitarbody. Not a onepiece guitar but a one piece guitar body. It of course turned out straight when i first planed the body but has now warped a little. I honestly don't care that much as long as the bridge, pickup and neck position or "lane" of the body stay straight, wich it has. But im still anxius that it will bend to the point of it being unusable. It has warped so the lower wing has come down towards the back and also the armrest in the same way so it is not gonna effect the string science.
So my idea was to drill large holes thru the body diagonally (If you have the guitar on a strap when you stand up.) and put around 20 mm steelbars inside of it. Around three bars or so. Now maybe 20mm is way too thick but my brain tells me that the wood would bend the bars themself too if they are too narrow. There are three things to consider with this (i think). It's the weight increase. Now i dont care if its heavy, i honestly prefer a more dense guitar. The second thing could be the killer.. Now i don't know that much about interference with the pickups and electronics but again my brain tells me that the poles would act like antennas for radio interferance. That would result in bad sound and buzz (right?) The third thing could also be a killer just a little more so and it's the wood splitting.
What do you think?
And of course all of this is to prevent further warping.

Author:  Chris Pile [ Sun Sep 03, 2023 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warped electric guitar body

What species of wood are we talking about?

Author:  joshnothing [ Sun Sep 03, 2023 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warped electric guitar body

That plan with the metal bars seems like a very elaborate thing to do, with possible issues as you have identified. If you don’t trust this board, easier would be to get another board that you know to be well seasoned and stable. Put the warped one aside for some other use.

Author:  Clay S. [ Sun Sep 03, 2023 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warped electric guitar body

If you can use it as is with the warped neck and make it work it might have a unique look, even if it warps more. Trying to bend solid wood to your will often doesn't end well.

Author:  Hesh [ Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warped electric guitar body

I think you are wasting your time and would be better off to do what it takes to use wood that has acclimated to your environment and is not warping. You posted about a warped neck too.

We do everything that we can to have stable humidity and temp environments, use of only well seasoned wood, and much more before we cut anything or build anything.

The first thing I tell new builders and I've been telling them this since 2005 - 2006 is to do what it takes to secure a stable humidity environment for your building.

What you are chasing is in my experience and view futile and you will end up chasing other things in time as a result.

Author:  Loke [ Sun Sep 03, 2023 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warped electric guitar body

Chris Pile wrote:
What species of wood are we talking about?
It's brithish silver birch

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