StewMac's Colortone is Target's USL, so the sealer will most likely also be Target sealer. Head on over to their forum and ask 'em about it, but better yet, try it out on scrap.
I used shellac with very good results as a sealer under the colortone, which warms up the wood a treat. No compatibility issues at all. I also used their waterbased grain filler, although I'm going to try out the Epoxy route next time around.
ColorTone itself is fairly pale, so I added a tiny, tiny amount of ColorTone dye (ie, Transtint. I sometimes wish Stewmac wouldn't re-brand all their finishing products. It's a tad annoying) to the first few coats to 'warm' the colour up a bit, although I don't think I'll do that in future, since I like the natural wood look, and a coat of shellac tints it enough as is.