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Neck Set Question
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Author:  collector1nyc [ Sun May 13, 2007 1:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

First - for some reason the forum would not let me in under my old user name and password. So I had to re-register.

I am a hobby guitar repair guy. I really collect vintage but I always had an interest and appreciation for lutherie, so I took things apart when I was a kid anbd buily a few solid body guitars - nothing great. I really collect vintage now and dabble in reapirs on things that I pick up that were already modded, refinned etc. Never on a true original piece.

Anyway, I steamed off the neck on a 51 Epi Regent (natural) that was a wreck - it needed a neck reset too. I shaved the heel to what I think is a pretty right angle then spent a lot of time pulling sandpaper through the heel-body joint to get it to sit flush on both sides. Seems good.  Now to reglue.

After cleaning everything out there is some slight space between the dovetail and the walls of the block, as expected, and I am going to shim her to get it tight. Any thoughts here? I am affraid that I may shim a tiny bit more on one side and not the other and be off balance. Any tricks to keeping her true? 

Also it is tough to figure what size shims to use - if I only had a mold of the vacant space to be filled. 

THX Dennis 


Anyway - I steamed off the neck on a 51 epi regent (natural) -

Author:  WaddyThomson [ Sun May 13, 2007 3:01 pm ]
Post subject: 


Do a search here in the main discussion forum for shimming a dovetail neck.  There was a recent discussion with a lot of ideas and solutions to the problem.  It was for acoustic dovetails, but I'm sure the process is the same.  If it isn't in the main forum, it'll be in the archives.

Author:  WaddyThomson [ Sun May 13, 2007 3:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here is the link to the discussion.

Author:  collector1nyc [ Mon May 14, 2007 1:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

[QUOTE=WaddyT]Here is the link to the discussion. [/QUOTE]


Thanks much

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