Official Luthiers Forum!

::: WISH LIST::::
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Author:  LanceK [ Mon May 14, 2007 7:29 am ]
Post subject: 

If you dont see what your looking for, post it here. Maybe someone has it and forgot

Thanks for the great idea Charlie!

Author:  charliewood [ Mon May 14, 2007 7:58 am ]
Post subject: 

My wish list - free this free that -
oh wait thats my dream list

No seriously as far as wishlists go Im looking for an infill plane, {Id consider a range of models},
Not neccesarily by Norris, but either by British, Scottish or Australian makers would be fine - Must be useable shape, actually there was an infill maker named Ward that I wouldnt mind having a piece by {thats my last name}.
I would also consider files for instrument repair and construction, a crook neck chisel, I may think of more things.
TRADE I have a B&S set of mild figured koa I bought from Brad Goodman, and also a set of Walnut to trade.

Thanks again Lance - for the Swap Meet and all the great work on the site, and all the great opportuntities that arise here at the OLF!

Author:  peterm [ Mon May 14, 2007 8:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Any Jigs laying around?? there's never time to make them...

Author:  John Elshaw [ Mon May 14, 2007 9:44 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm still looking for a vacuum setup if anybody has one. In particular, I'm looking for the case to put my radius dishes in. I have all the rest.



Author:  outstrung [ Mon May 14, 2007 5:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Im looking for some kind of rosewood billet thick enough for a carved back,
with sides or without. Thanks. Adam

Author:  blindreality [ Tue May 15, 2007 12:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I am looking for some low grade stuff to practice on. I could use some back and side sets and some tops. I figure that if I am going to ruin something that it might as well be something cheap.  Also an electric bending iron. I wouldn't mind trading, but about all I have to offer is some webpage work.

Author:  KenH [ Tue May 15, 2007 1:54 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm looking for a Dremel base for cutting inlays. I could also use a couple of inlay type spiral router bits for doing inlays.

Author:  SteveCourtright [ Tue May 15, 2007 5:17 am ]
Post subject: 

I am looking for a well-used side bender, or parts of a side bender that I can add to or modify.

Author:  davidO [ Tue May 15, 2007 11:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I wish I could get to some of this stuff before everyone else has bought it all up.....................
but if I wer to wish for one thing I need, it would be fretting supplies. I am coming up to this part of my build and I have nothing!


Author:  David R White [ Tue May 15, 2007 1:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am interested in picking up a Petersen VS tuner and also a bridge pin hole reamer. I have some wood up for trade or would pay cash for these items.

Author:  Dennis Leahy [ Tue May 15, 2007 4:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wish list item:

Does anyone have any very inexpensive (acoustic guitar) sets that are in some "glassy" wood, with small pores, that have some sort of visual defect (mineral stain, sticker stain, or just butt ugly) that could work for a painted guitar? I'll bet everyone that resaws has some material like this, and has no idea what to do with it.



Author:  Dennis Leahy [ Wed May 16, 2007 2:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Another wish list item:

How about some highly figured "scraps" that are too narrow for fingerboards? Maybe even wedge-shaped. I'm looking for some quartersawn wood that is thick enough to resaw into two slices, that I can then use those bookmatched for the wedge-shaped piece in the center of 4-piece backs. I'd say minimum dimensions would be about 1/4" thick x about 20" long, and the face would be at least 1-1/2" wide at one end of the board.



Author:  MSpencer [ Wed May 16, 2007 8:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I wish BobC the Zootman, The Don and some other sponsors would jump in on the Swap meet.


Author:  harmonist34 [ Wed May 16, 2007 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm looking for:

Top quality Madagascar Rosewood
Top quality quilted Sapele
Top quality Brazilian Rosewood


Author:  James W B [ Wed May 16, 2007 11:11 am ]
Post subject: 

I`m looking for a binding jig like Arnt`s

Author:  Hank Mauel [ Wed May 16, 2007 12:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

[QUOTE=James W B] I`m looking for a binding jig like Arnt`s
                    James [/QUOTE]

And that would look like what????? I have an LMI style...rides vertically on bearing rails, holds a small laminate trimmer and uses the varied interchangeable bottom bearing router bit to register off the side and an high density slippery plastic shoe to follow the top/bottom plates.
Is that what you want???

Author:  James W B [ Wed May 16, 2007 2:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Do you have a picture?I didn`t know Lmi had one similar to Arnt`s.He has a a picture of his posted a couple of times.I`ll see if I can find it.

Author:  James W B [ Wed May 16, 2007 2:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hank here is a picture of it.Let me know if what you have is similar .
              thanks James

Author:  James W B [ Sat May 19, 2007 12:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hank ,tell me about your binding system.It`s the one Thing that gives me the most trouble.Is it what Lmi has in there catalogue.Seems there are 2 bases that make it happen.I`d like to find something better than a dremel.
                        James W B

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