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Tung Oil for finish
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Author:  MayanArch [ Wed May 16, 2007 11:57 am ]
Post subject: 

I typically do not like the feel of high gloss coatings on wood.......especially on the back part of a neck.

How do you feel about the use of oils or waxes to seal the wood?  

What is the best protective coating that wont mess with the tone of the wood?

Author:  Bob Garrish [ Wed May 16, 2007 1:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like polymerized tung oil a lot for necks and the finish on solidbodies. I'm not sure I'd recommend it for an acoustic top, as I don't know that it gets hard enough, but for everything else it's good. You will have to renew it from time to time, I think, and you want to use polymerized tung oil, not straight tung oil, or it'll never dry.

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