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Scott Antes plans OM bracing question?
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Author:  gratay [ Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have braced my back as per the scott antes plans spec but have read on numerous threads that the top bracing is on the heavy side and not very close to the old martin spec on these particular OM plans...
I'm just wondering if anyone can shed some light on what they would change in the dimensions...

The top I'm putting on is Cedar and the plans call for 2.4mm so I'm guessing about 10% thicker for cedar may be close to the ball i might start at 2.7mm - 3mm thick for the top and work down depending on stiffness.....

but the bracing I'm not so sure about .....
are the plans anywhere close to what the old martins we're?
And also as per using cedar on a face would you make the bracing 10% bigger on a cedar faced guitar to add strength for the cedar?

All I know at this stage is I'm going cedar face/scalloped bracing

thanks Grant

Author:  bob_connor [ Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Grant

I'm using 6mm x 13mm for braces on OM tops.

They sound fine.


Author:  JJ Donohue [ Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have used 1/4" wide bracing all around. The X brace varies in height according to the stiffness of the top and is scalloped according to the voice you seek. Consider the tone bars and finger braces the same way.

I have not built with Cedar, so I can't offer any advice on thickness. Hesh's recommendation of .130" would seem to be a good start.

As others have stated, this plan is way over-braced.

Author:  crazymanmichael [ Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:36 am ]
Post subject: 

somehow i just don't think that your 5/32" sounds correct.

Author:  phil c-e [ Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:47 am ]
Post subject: 

for my first build i began with the antes plan. thank goodness that a local professional was willing to help me out and checked over the plan before i started cutting any wood. the guy saved my bacon. had i built according to plan i'm sure i would have been disappointed and may not have had the resolve to build another.

what i do is pretty close to bob on dimensions. apart from the popsicle and transverse above the soundhole, all my other braces are 6mm wide. the 'x' is usually about 14 tall. this is also where the tonebar nearest the bridge begins. the second tonebar starts with about 11 or 12mm and gets shaped down from there. the fingers are about 6 - 7mm tall and get shaped down from that.

another thing that might be important - my approach to using the antes plan with the thinner braces was to take the difference in thickness off the tailblock side of each brace. i've done 5 OM's this way and it's worked great.


Author:  gratay [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:57 am ]
Post subject: 

thanks guys ...sounds like a 1/4" is popular....
I will consult the plans and check the differences...

I don't want a dead top...Its hard to know what to do considering most plans assume your using spruce face....and I'm using cedar
I think I'll go with same size braces but make the face slightly thicker...I'm hoping this is the right direction to travel in.
again thanks for the info

Author:  tippie53 [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

    Martin may have had standard sizes but the variance between them in the old days was a bit extreem to todays standards. The spec of the old days varied as much as 1/4"
    Now as for the OM and the antes drawing , well it is close but not anywhere near exact. I think this was done for legal issues maybe?
    As stated the bracing was 1/4" and the height is 9/16. The profile is also a bit different. The back braces on the original OM's were alot different that shown.
   the first 2 back braces were close , the lower 2 are 3/4 wide 3/8 high and radiused almost to the point of looking like a broom handle. The back radius is 15 foot and the top is actually angled 1 degree with a radius on the top braces at 28 foot.
    I hope this helps
john hall
blues creek guitars

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