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Questions on AJ, J-45, and Epi Texan
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Author:  af_one [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Great questions as I just bought a set of plans and am hoping to build one soon--I am awaiting the same questions. I am also wondering if are sponsors that make molds and bending forms all have the same dimensions?

Author:  Brock Poling [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:52 am ]
Post subject: 

First, understand that virtually no 2 gibson guitars are ever the same, and frequently the published specs were not accurate.

The plans were taken from several sources including 3 original tracings from vintage instruments and the book Fabulous flat-tops written (in part) by Dan Erlewine. It has detailed info about bracing etc.

The AJ plans we sell are not 100% historically accurate. We had a lot of info to go on, but we had to fill in the holes in a few places. These are about as good of a guess as to what these guitars were as we were able to come up with.

With that said the AJ claims to have a slightly longer body than the j45 - 21" vs. 20" (but our tracings were short of the posted stats), and it has a 25.5" scale length vs. 24.75". These are the biggest differences structurally.

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