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Shelf Life of Shellac
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Author:  Blain [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Just wondering what the approximate shelf life of shellac is once you dissolve the flakes in Alcohol.

Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Dependent on how it is stored, heat and humidity I would not use after 60 days. Better to mix no more then you need per project.

That said I don't mix from flakes often. I use Zinzzer's Bulls Eye Seal Coat pre-mixed sealer because I like the tint of it and it has a 3 year shelf life per Zinzzer. However I seldom keep it more than 6 or seven months

Author:  Blain [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Michael.

I had some that I mixed up to practice with a while back, but I think it's beyond the 60 days.

I've heard a lot about the Zinzzer's pre mixed stuff. I might have to give it a try.

Author:  Michael McBroom [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Michael,

So, am I correct in thinking that you're using the Bullseye sealer as a final shellac finish?

I bought a can of it to see how well it would fill grain. Tested it out on a piece of Spanish cedar and brushed on three coats. Didn't do all that well as a filler, but it did have a decent gloss I'll admit.

Another question. Do you brush it on or use a pad?



Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:08 am ]
Post subject: 

[QUOTE=Michael McBroom] Hey Michael,

So, am I correct in thinking that you're using the Bullseye sealer as a final shellac finish?

I bought a can of it to see how well it would fill grain. Tested it out on a piece of Spanish cedar and brushed on three coats. Didn't do all that well as a filler, but it did have a decent gloss I'll admit.

Another question. Do you brush it on or use a pad?



I Zpoxy fill or on occasion pumice fill Seal Coat worked fine for pumice fill. I would not use just shellac to fill pores Any shellac will tend to bridge pores due to its viscosity. They may appear filled but later sink.

I have done brushed on final finishes, I have done sprayed on Shellac final finishes. But mostly French polish for final finishes and padded on seal coats

Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:25 am ]
Post subject: 

By the way the problem really is not the shellac but the solvent. If you could 100% dehydrate the mixed shellac and store it in dry air tight container you could reuse it but to leave it in mixed form the alcohol goes bad and absorbs moister from the air. Even in a well caped squeeze bottle moister will infiltrate the the bottle and contaminate solvent.

Author:  WaddyThomson [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Has anyone ever tried that stuff that you are supposed to be able to put in paint cans to keep paint from skimming over?  Seems like that (I assume it is heavier than air, and sits on top of the liquid in the container) might work to keep air and moisture away from the alcohol.  Just wondering out loud.

Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:54 am ]
Post subject: 

My guess is the alcohol would desolve it

Author:  Blain [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:47 am ]
Post subject: 

One thing that I just thought about the Zinzzer's shellac that probably isn't an issue, but just striked me as interesting...

Don't they say that shellac isn't supposed to come in contact with Metal because it could alter the chemical properties and cause it to not dry properly?

The Zinzzer shellac comes in a paint can which is metal of some sort right? I'm sure they know what they're doing otherwise they wouldn't be selling the stuff, but I wonder what the difference is...

Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:50 am ]
Post subject: 

The insidee of the can is coated.

Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:52 am ]
Post subject: 

where is Leander? I thought I knew where almost everything in Texas was

Author:  Michael McBroom [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:46 am ]
Post subject: 

[QUOTE=MichaelP] where is Leander? I thought I knew where almost everything in Texas was [/QUOTE]

Look here:

Sounds kinda nice.



Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Heck I have hopped all around the Austin area and never noticed Leander, But I have to admit that I could have been impaired

Author:  Blain [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Cool, thanks Michael. I guess if I actually went out and bought a can, I'd see that.

Yes, Leander is just outside of Austin (North West).
If you're familar with Cedar Park, it's just North of Cedar Park on 183. The area has been growing a lot within the last 5 years.

If you're ever in the area, let me know. I know of some good places to get impaired.

Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:42 am ]
Post subject: 

[QUOTE=blain1976] Cool, thanks Michael. I guess if I actually went out and bought a can, I'd see that.

Yes, Leander is just outside of Austin (North West).
If you're familar with Cedar Park, it's just North of Cedar Park on 183. The area has been growing a lot within the last 5 years.

If you're ever in the area, let me know. I know of some good places to get impaired. [/QUOTE]

Careful Blain I am likely to do just that

Author:  Blain [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ha ha. Come on down.

Maybe you could even show me a thing or two about buildig guitars (before getting impaired of course.

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