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Vacuum Help Needed
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Author:  Brad Way [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well I finially got around to using my vacuum pump for the first time. It wasn't for a guitar but for a laminate layup for another project. It couldn't believe how well it worked. The only problem is that the continous running of the pump is loud...kind of like a compressor running non-stop. Doesn't anyone have any solutions for this problem? The vacuum pump is a Gast 3/4 HP rotary pump. It pulls about 27" and has a rating of about 6 CFM. It is a big vacuum and I am sure some of the noise is related to the size. I was reading on Joewoodworker about the setup with a reserve tank...has anyone put this setup together?

Thanks for the input.

Author:  crazymanmichael [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

lots of people have, and it works well. but as he says you have to make sure your pump will start under vacuum.

the reservoir allows for the vacuum to draw down in your clamp or veneer bag very quickly.

how often the pump, or your compressor if using a venturi, will cycle is dependent upon how well your clamp/bag and system seals, the size of the reservoir and compressor tank.

Author:  Pwoolson [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brad, the JWW system works very well. That's what I use all the time. If you want it to cycle, you'll need a vacuum switch. Otherwise, the system will run non-stop.
If you end up building it, take your time and make sure every seal is perfect. One little leak and it's pretty much worthless. DAMHIKT.

Author:  Bob Garrish [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I use a venturi, but a friend of mine built a box for a pancake compressor out of acoustic tile back in the day that turned it from cacophony to a gentle hum. That could be a consideration if the pump is really noisy.

Of course, with the venturi, I always have my etymotics in so I can't hear a thing (like a compressor running it) anyhow...

Author:  Shane Neifer [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:05 pm ]
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It is kind of late for you now but I use refridgeration compressors. The ones off household fridges work great for any guitar building and they are SILENT, really, I mean that you really don't know they are running if aren't really really close to them, really!! (I bet you can't use "really" more than that in one sentance ). I use a reservior as well and this system will draw down a brace clamping vacuum jig with no problem at all. I have now collected some larger refridgeration compressors, just because I could get them for free and will make a 'built in' system and keep this one:

for work that is not done handy to the bench. These compressors run continuosly also and I asked my buddy who is a refridgeration guy and he says that once they are under vacuum they are no longer under load so it does not hurt them at all to run like this. AND, if you do hoop the pump, you just go get a couple more...they are free!

Good luck!


Author:  John How [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:41 am ]
Post subject: 

I have the venturi version of Joe woodworkers vacuum pump and it works fantastic. If the my compressor is pumped up then it doesn't even come on and it takes about 20 seconds to draw a vacuum and then the valve closes and it'll hold that for probably 5 to 10 minutes. after the vacuum drops from 20hg to about 17hg, it'll kick back on for another 20 seconds and I'm good for another 5-100 minutes. I couldn't ask for a nicer quieter vacuum system.

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