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Z-Poxy over Nitro or let it be?
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Author:  Chris Cordle [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, chalk it down to another rookie oversight.

I recently sent out my #3 made from ribbon mahogany (top, back & sides)
to be sprayed with
nitro. The finisher is a very accomplished finish sprayer but deals mostly
in furniture restoration. He informed me he uses a vinyl sealer which I
mistakenly thought doubled as a filler.

I received the body back last night and it really turned out nice with the
exception that the pores of the wood are readily visible.
I've seen folks who finish their guitars this way and are happy with it.
I'm not so sure that I am.

Could I do a wet sand with 800 and then Z-poxy the pores and then have
him respray, or would I have to completely remove the finish, Z-poxy and
then have him respray? OR should I just let it be and make a mental
note not to make this mistake down the road?

I plan on using his services again as his work was excellent, he just didn't
know from his experiences what I was looking for and I knew nothing of
the results of a vinyl sealer.

Your comments are appreciated. If you feel a pic is in order to base your
opinion on, I can see to that this evening.


Author:  Dave White [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:23 am ]
Post subject: 


I'm not a finishes expert and I'll let others weigh in but I suspect your choices are to leave it as is or take off the nitro , Z-poxy pore fill and have it resprayed. I would worry about a nitro/Z-poxy/nitro sandwich in terms of long term stability - and looks.

I suppose the good thing if you decide to take the finish off is that it should be in the best state to do this job - I assume that the neck and bridge aren't attached yet.

Author:  Chris Cordle [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:47 am ]
Post subject: 


Correct, no bridge or neck attached at this point.

Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:15 am ]
Post subject: 

I would not put any epoxy over a finish. Not likely to ad hear well at all. Strip the finish. fill the pores. Seal the pore fill with a sealer (I suggest shellac)and refinish.

Author:  crazymanmichael [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:22 am ]
Post subject: 

this is purely an aesthetic question.

there a some who prefer the pores to show, a la early martins, etc., and eschew the glass like finish so popular today.

others think that the visible pores give an unfinished, low quality appearance and would refuse to pay a quality guitar price for one so finished.

this is choice only you can make.

as for what action to take if you decide you want the glasslike finish i agree with those who suggest removal of the nitro down to bare wood, pore fill, and refinish. there are two negatives to just pore filling and over spraying over the existing nitro; firstly the issue of potential adherence problems, particularly around any future dings, and secondly the amount of finish buildup you will have and the potential for damping tone, etc.

Author:  Arnt Rian [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, what do you think of the way it looks?

FWIW, I also finished my first guitars without any pore fillers, I just used a looooot of nitro and let them cure even longer. The finish still sank into the pores a little bit, but the finish is only one of the problems that these early guitars of mine have so who cares.

I'd just move on (unless it looks really bad!)

Author:  Bobc [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Chris if the guitar is not a commission and just for your own enjoyment I would just leave it alone or at the worst steel wool it down to a satin finish. I would not strip it down. String it up and play it.   

Author:  John How [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:14 am ]
Post subject: 

I seriously agree with Bob, String that puppy up and play the bejebees out of it. Put a few pick marks in it and get out in the shop and start up another one!!!!

Author:  Colin S [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Chris, I have a saying, that if John How and I agree then it becomes indisputable fact. And with Bob in agreement too, it would be tantamount to immoral to do anything else. If it's for you, just string it up and play it. There is nothing wrong with wood looking like wood. I never pore fill any of my lutes (tradition) and I think the finish looks as good as my guitars.

Bob's suggestion of using some very fine wire wool and putting a satin effect on it is a good one.

Mark it down to experience and move on.


Author:  Chris Cordle [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey, thanks a lot guys. I have chalked this one down as yet another valuable
learning experience. Another m istake that I will not make again.

I have decided to go ahead and finish assembling this one. It really doesn't
look too bad in my opinion. However, I know that the guitar buying public
may turn their proverbial noses up to this one. Maybe it will end up being
my "beater"?

I'll try & post up a pic this evening to give you all an idea of what I've got

Thanks again

Author:  peterm [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:36 am ]
Post subject: 

its not that bad! Just string her up and enjoy!

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