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Chestnut as a Tone-wood?
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Author:  psl53 [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Does anyone have a opinion on using chestnut for a tone wood Back and Sides. Has anyone built with it before? I have quite a bit of antique flooring some 10" inches wide.



Author:  Pwoolson [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Do you now what kind of chestnut it is? American Chestnut is very very rare. Pretty much eraticated last century. But if the flooring is old it might be American. I've worked with that a bit. My folks had an American tree that escaped the blight but got struck by lightening about 15 years ago. I found it to be very "blah" to work with. No color, no texture, just brown. I think that's why people used it with the worm holes in it, to give it a bit of character.
I've got no opinion on the tonal qualities of it but you should try to find some bling in appointments 'cause you sure won't have it in the chestnut.

Author:  E. Finkelstein [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:33 am ]
Post subject: 

When quartersawn and straight-grained, American Chestnut is a strikingly beautiful wood. I've worked with it in furniture, and from handling it I'm sure the tonal properties would make it a very useable wood for guitars. It has reasonably big pores which will require filling, but the golden brown color of Chestnut would mak a very attractive instrument. Must we always use highly figured woods? Plain can be very nice.

Author:  psl53 [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:52 am ]
Post subject: 

It is American Chestnut and most is plain sawn, but I have some that is more straight grain. I'm going to put it on the list of things to do. I go through it and pick some out and practice my re-sawing and sizing.

Thanks for the information.


Author:  af_one [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:17 am ]
Post subject: 

I've built gun grips and rifel stock with it--I've seen some pieces that were very striking. It varies in figure like all woods, I've seen gorgeous coloring but never any figuring.
I'd love to build a guitar from some though, if you plan to resaw any?

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