Official Luthiers Forum!

New OLFers, who are ye?
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Author:  burbank [ Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:15 am ]
Post subject: 

It's been awhile since we've had bios and pics from our new members, so how about it? Pics of you, yours, projects, aspirations?

Author:  Bruce Dickey [ Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Good one Pat.

Author:  erikbojerik [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I emailed Lance with a photo & bio but I imagine he's pretty
busy these days with the march toward the new forum software.

Anyway, I'm a full-time volcano geologist and spare-time hobby builder
for myself, family & friends.  I've got 8 scratch-built
solidbodies done or almost-done (guitars and basses), and my first
acoustic guitar project almost completed.  I'm pretty serious
about improving all of my skills, and moving toward making this a
full-time thing when I decide to retire from running up & down
mountains in about 25 years.

Author:  erikbojerik [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I emailed Lance with a photo & bio but I imagine he's pretty
busy these days with the march toward the new forum software.

Anyway, I'm a full-time volcano geologist and spare-time hobby builder
for myself, family & friends.  I've got 8 scratch-built
solidbodies done or almost-done (guitars and basses), and my first
acoustic guitar project almost completed.  I'm pretty serious
about improving all of my skills, and moving toward making this a
full-time thing when I decide to retire from running up & down
mountains in about 25 years.

Author:  burbank [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Nice to meet you, Eric!

You're probably right about Lance being busy and he's probably not looking to add bios this close to changing over. I suspect that the new phpbb-based forum platform will provide us with more bio info.

Good to have you with us.

Author:  Alexandru Marian [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey, Erik, what hill is that ? 

Here is one of the few pics of old me that I like. Dunno what I was doing there, considering 2 weeks before that an avalanche tumbled me like a rag doll for nearly 1000 feet height difference

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