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squeeze out
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Author:  jonhfry [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am about to bend a third set of sides, though have not finished one guitar yet. Smile

Geez once I finish the first, I will have parts for 2 more waiting to go.

Any way, squeeze out. I am looking at the first 2 sets of ribs. I have the linings and blocks in. But I am by nature the antithesis of hesh, my shop is dirty. I can live with that usually but not on the ribs.

The insides of both my ribs have too many drips of glue squeeze out. Is there a trick to avoid this? What about putting in some tape when gluing the ribs, or what do ya'll do?

Author:  KenH [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I dont mean for this to sound like a short answer, but the answer is to use less glue so that squeeze out is minimal. It is a learned talent. I had someone show me how and I suspect that if someone showed you the trick you would have it for life.

bottom line....use less glue

squeeze out of titebond will usually pop right off with a sharp chisel. Let it dry before you try to scrape it off.

Author:  jonhfry [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:34 pm ]
Post subject: 


thats what i figured, be more neat and tidy Cry

Author:  WaddyThomson [ Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:23 am ]
Post subject: 

So, do you clean up inside the kerfs too?  I have seen a couple of custom guitars, that had a lot of glue in the kerf slots, and it looked pretty unsightly, to me.  Reverse kerfing would help that a lot as Terry said.

Author:  Bruce Dickey [ Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:33 am ]
Post subject: 


Is it gluing the linings in or in gluing on the top and backs when you are getting the runs, drips, and errors?

A lot of folk glue the back first so they can clean up before gluing on the top.

You just have to get a feel for the amount of glue that you need. I have yet to get a glue run inside a guitar. (knock on wood) Practice. Really. Grab some scrap and practice.

I actually love this step in making guitars, when the box comes together. Same thing if you meant linings to rims. Practice.

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