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explosion proof fan
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Author:  crazymanmichael [ Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:31 am ]
Post subject: 

this dayton explosion proof fan suitable for a spray booth is on ebay at 49.95 at present. closes in about 2 hours.

those wishing to build a booth should have a look.

Author:  Alain Desforges [ Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Michael!

Author:  Dominic [ Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I went into a spray paint shop here in Canberra, told him I wanted perfect finishes on guitars and asked about explosion proof fans. The guy explained to me that it was better to seal your spray room and use positive pressure rather than sucking. You could seal it up with cheap plastic and tape even.

That way the fans are cheaper and/or bigger

He says you get better evacuation of fumes because with sucking fans you can get pockets of fumey air that do not get sucked out. Bad for health.

And with sucking or negative pressure dust particles can be sucked into your room through tiny holes around your room or under a door or from above you dusty ceiling but with positive pressure fans you can easily filter it first. Better finishes.

All these points make a very convincing argument not to use explosion proof sucking fans do they not? Am I missing something?

Author:  crazymanmichael [ Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

this issue was discussed some time ago. the problem is that to get adequate pressure in the boothe to exaust the fume the whole room has to be pressurized and the fan must be much bigger, with the accompanying greater noise, etc.

this may be acceptable or even necessary when spraying a very large object such as an automobile, but with instruments one usually sprays in an air funnel where the fan creates an adequate air flow to entrain the fumes with no troubles.

the engineers contributed some numbers last time illustrating the differing air flow requirements.

fan works fine if it is sized correctly. a 12" unit such as the one i mentioned above is adequate for instrument work, though mine is a 16" unit simply because i got a very good price on it.

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