Official Luthiers Forum!

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Author:  old man [ Sat Dec 15, 2007 3:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Man, what a loss. You guys are screwing up a good thing.

I'm not sure why Paul's adieu thread was locked so quickly but maybe just so it would slip quietly off the page into obscurity. I urge everyone to read it, though.

Paul was here a few months before me, and no one who has joined this forum can make a finer guitar. Paul is a world class builder and, though I've never met him, I believe he is a world class gentleman. He was not full of himself like 4 or 5 others here, and he was always supportive and helpful without being a world class jerk. Here's to you, Paul.


Author:  LanceK [ Sat Dec 15, 2007 3:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pauls choice to leave is his own. He and I have talked and we are good.
I look forward to seeing and hanging out with Paul at all the guitar shows, as well as staying in touch.

As to why I locked his good by post, and the reason I am going to lock this one.

Nothing good ever comes of the "So long" topics.

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