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F5 Mandolin help please
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Author:  ChapelGuitars [ Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  F5 Mandolin help please

Firstly, as this is my first post, hello to everyone!

I'm a luthier in England (UK) and I have decided to attempt making an F5 mandolin to add to my collection.

I have purchased a set of Siminoff's f5 mandolin plans to use as a template and I was hoping to use my cnc machine to carve the front and back pieces. I've done some research on the internet and it seems this may be quite tricky. I have access to Rhino but at the moment I only know how to use the basics.

So, the question is......

Has anyone successfully carved an f5 mandolin on a cnc?
Does anyone have a copy of the CAD files I could buy or have?

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Chapel Guitars

Author:  turmite [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: F5 Mandolin help please

Hi Steve,

I have a Rhino model of one that a guy posted over on the cnczone site. I can email that to you, or go there and do a search in the musical instrument forum. This thing is not accurate on the scroll, but I think the rest is fairly close. Close enough to get you something to work on in Rhino! [:Y:]


Author:  ChapelGuitars [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: F5 Mandolin help please


I think I've seen the one you mean on cnczone. I wasnt sure how accurate it was but if you could email me the file that would be great. Even if its not that accurate, it may help me draw mine!

I'll pm you my email address.

Chapel Guitars

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