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Nominal neck pocket widths.
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Author:  cactus [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Nominal neck pocket widths.

Newbie. Just registered with a community furniture course, have access to their ShopBot 4'x4' so I'm scheming..

When I'm designing a neck and neck pocket (tight fit), should the neck width be the same as the pocket width?


Author:  Mike Kroening [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nominal neck pocket widths.

My first thought is no. The reason behind this is, each machine is different. Whether it be backlash, or endmill differences, flex, or wood types. Usually I will try a scrap piece with about 0.005 difference in cut and go from there. Some woods and machines will be tighter and some looser, but its a good place to start. Just my experience so far. My machine with maple is usually 0.004 offset from one to the other. In mahogany about about 0.002. These are usually a hard press fit, and good glue squeeze out, not requiring clamping other than to hold something in its place.

So have fun and practice before committing.


Author:  Parser [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nominal neck pocket widths.

I'd recommend cutting the neck slightly oversize and then hand fitting it to the pocket. Bodies warp, wood grows, stuff changes....nothing wrong with taking that last .005" by hand...!


Author:  Stuart Gort [ Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nominal neck pocket widths.

I draw the model with the fits net....meaning the neck tongue and the body pocket will both have the same geometery. That keeps things simple and less confusing for me. I highly recommend you don't try to establish your fits in your models...but your cam program files.

When I cut the necks I always cut the tongues net to the over or undercut. So...if I make 10 necks I cut them all without measuring the tongue width or length other than to make sure I've not made a gross error.

When it comes time to cut the body pocket I mate each neck to each body and I cut each body pocket to fit THAT neck...and that neck only. Usually it's going to end up being an overcut of .003" to .005" but I sneak up to each fit by making the first cut an undercut...and then make progressive cuts bigger and increments of .0005"....until I get a nice snug fit.

When I have a nice dry fit I glue it immediately.

Author:  cactus [ Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nominal neck pocket widths.

Thanks gang!! Can't wait to dive in..

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