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Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas bodies
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Author:  MyelinSheath [ Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:38 am ]
Post subject:  Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas bodies

Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone here knew where I could possibly find bodies shaped like the Charvel San Dimas models that were produced in 2008/2009? About four years ago I ordered a body and neck custom made by Musikraft. They used to offer the Charvel San Dimas body, but now their website indicates that they no longer do. It appears that they still make the San Dimas necks, so I'm good there. I'm interested to know if there are other places I can find this exact body. I wish Musikraft still had them because I made a guitar that is virtually identical to the production Charvels (with a few key unique components of my own) out of parts made by Musikraft. Amazing guitar.

I appreciate the help guys!

Author:  Freeman [ Mon Nov 21, 2016 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas bodies

MyelinSheath, we aren't ignoring you but I'm guessing that no one knows of a source for this. Most of the companies that clone bodies go for the "standard" shapes and sizes - something like this is a little more esoteric. By the time you go thru all the work to make templates for a particular guitar or program a cnc mill to make the body you really want to sell a bunch of them.

However looking at pictures of that model Charvel it shouldn't be too hard to reproduce if we had one to measure and trace the shape. Lots of builders here and other places could help you with that but it probably would be more expensive than buying the actual Charvel and doing your mods to it.

Good luck

Author:  tubeman426 [ Tue Nov 22, 2016 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas bodies

Kne guitars makes a san dimas body, pretty good prices. you might want to check them out. ;)

Author:  rlrhett [ Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas bodies

Genuine curiosity, not being snarky, but... how is that not just a clone of a Strat? It seems like you could get any Strat clone body kit with the right hardware and have that exact guitar.

Author:  MyelinSheath [ Fri Nov 25, 2016 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas bodies

rlrhett wrote:
Genuine curiosity, not being snarky, but... how is that not just a clone of a Strat? It seems like you could get any Strat clone body kit with the right hardware and have that exact guitar.

They're not the same. Charvel is slimmer and smaller.

tubeman426 wrote:
Kne guitars makes a san dimas body, pretty good prices. you might want to check them out. ;)

Thanks. I'll check them out.

Author:  MyelinSheath [ Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Charvel Pro Mod San Dimas bodies

I found the kne website and see their SD body. That's exactly what I'm looking for, and only $110. Can't beat that. Thanks guys!

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