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any good spray gun setups?
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Author:  peters instruments [ Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  any good spray gun setups?

i have done my last 3 guitars with spray can lacquer which works fine i suppose, but i would really to get a good spray setup i am wanting to start doing some tinted finishes and just devolop my skills in general in a way that i dont think i can do without having a descent setup. but the other thing is that i don't have ton of money... so are there any good guns out there for a descent price? i know stewmac has one but i have never heard anything about. i was also wondering what type of compressor i would need, or would be best. i was thinking i had heard before that with a spray gun cfm matters more than max psi and all that. any suggestions would be appreciated.

Author:  MRS [ Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: any good spray gun setups?

I use an siphon feed spray gun that I bought at Lowes. It works fine with standard lacquers and water based. I only have a 20 gallon 1 and 1/4 HP compressor and this setup is sufficient for this gun. Beware of the HVLP spray gun since these need a much larger compressor then a standard siphon type. You could also go with a HVLP turbine setup which is a gun and a tank less air turbine but then you can't use it to run other tools like a standard compressor...Mike

Author:  turmite [ Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: any good spray gun setups? ... sgodaCF2rw

Just about anything your heart far a paint equipment goes! [:Y:]

Do a search for inexpensive spray paint guns and you will find some little hvlp jamb or touchup guns for as low as $29.00


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