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A short wander down the path of electric upright basses...
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Author:  mateo4x4 [ Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  A short wander down the path of electric upright basses...

Got the urge to try making an original designed electric upright bass. Body is all hi figure cherry, except for the birch ply back. Neck bridge are from the same cherry billet as the top and sides. FB is walnut.

The pickup is a 'tweaked' single coil bass pickup scavenged of an old no-name bass. It is that weird box looking thing at the end of the FB. laughing6-hehe If I were to add more curve to the bridge, it would almost be playable with a bow (I don't know how so can't try myself). Sounds pretty great out of my little practice amp (friend's band is borrowing my full cab so, can't try with that yet) and is easy to play...even for a player more used to frets. With the 'interesting tailpiece' setup, you could use longer, acoustic strings or stick with the standard scale length electrics. Anyway, pics follow, opinions welcome...just be gentle! :-)






Author:  martinedwards [ Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A short wander down the path of electric upright basses...

I'm liking those wings.

I'm stalled on an electric cello build for my son because I just can't think what to do there, but you've given me an idea!!

Author:  mateo4x4 [ Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A short wander down the path of electric upright basses...

martinedwards wrote:
I'm liking those wings.

I'm stalled on an electric cello build for my son because I just can't think what to do there, but you've given me an idea!!

Then my work here is done! LOL

The 'wings' were done with multiple laminated strips bent by hand and forced into forms (2 pieces per wing). You may get better/easier results if you heat bend them first.


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