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what do i need to know before trying to build a semi-hollow?
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Author:  sploughney [ Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  what do i need to know before trying to build a semi-hollow?

i cant find any info on semi hollows. what do i need to know? is there a minimum thickness a top must be before carving?how do you do it? im sure i can carv a top once i practice.....but i need some guidance.

also, i will try and make this my last thread for a while.

thanks, and i really appreciate any and al info you people share.

Author:  sploughney [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do i need to know before trying to build a semi-hollow?

Thank you for all the help, Chris.

By the way...... The Marlin is gorgeous!!

i tried to do wood binding on my latest build, but couldnt keep it from snapping around the horns. i guess the corners were too sharp to bend but not sharp enough to mitre.

Author:  sploughney [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: what do i need to know before trying to build a semi-hollow?

I think i have that bending least the one from stew-mac that i bought has multi-radius

So, "F-holes", when do i rout them...... before or after the carve? I mean it makes sense to me to do it before because of the flat surface. Or maybe I should invest in a scroll saw? Or could my dremel work? Do you suppose the palm and finger planes from Harbor Freight would suffice in carving my top? $150 for the ibex planes is kinda steep for me right now.

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