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Purdue Guitar Workshop
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Author:  Danny R. Little [ Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Purdue Guitar Workshop

I just returned from attending the Purdue Guitar Workshop last week. What a blast!! Mark French, an engineer but otherwise good guy, was in charge and provided sponsorship from Fender, Seymore Duncan, Stew-Mac, and others. I am away from my notes (my excuse for not giving last names) but, thanks to Tim and Josh from Fender, Kevin from Seymore Duncan, Erick and Gene from Stew-Mac, and Brad and all the Purdue faculty and students that helped us with our guitars.

Listening to the stories from Tim and Erick (he's the guy in the Stew-Mac Emails) in particular was worth the ticket price, but every student shared my, perhaps unnatural, love for all things guitar. They all had guitar histories to share. The instruction was top notch, only took a week from my schedule, and will help me build better guitars for life or the remainder thereof.

On top of that Tim, Erick, Gene (very tasty), and Kevin (bass) all played great guitar at the Thursday night jam session.

The cost was $1,450, I think, plus a room and a few meals (lunch and a few dinners were provided) but they provide all the materials and tools to make a very nice guitar. I suspect my orange SSO (strat shaped object) is worth every penny.

I encourage you to go next summer. You won't regret it.

Danny R. Little

Author:  alan stassforth [ Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Purdue Guitar Workshop

did you get all the materials in that price?
sounds like a good deal to me,
because i seem to spend about $500 on just the parts for an electric.

Author:  Danny R. Little [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Purdue Guitar Workshop


Yep, that includes all materials. Grover tuners, Seymour Duncan Pickups, Fender hard tail bridge, etc. They have to limit choices a bit. For example medium gauge fret wire. 12" radius fretboard. Black or white pick guards. Chrome or black hardware. We emailed our wish list and they got as close as they could. Some of the students brought special wood or appointments. Most of us were well satisfied with the decisions. I got a paduk(sp?) middle laminate on the back of mine that I had not requested, but I liked it under the transparent orange stain. I also wanted an ebony or zircote fingerboard but that was not available. I choose a lacewood one that I really think works out better.

So it is reasonable cost wise. But, to paraphrase the insurance ad: Cost of guitar? $1,450. Cost of a lifetime of inspiration? priceless.

Danny R. Little

Author:  alan stassforth [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Purdue Guitar Workshop


Author:  guilds100 [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Purdue Guitar Workshop

Is this something that is only available once a year?

Author:  Danny R. Little [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Purdue Guitar Workshop

Yes, it is only available for once a year. I will try to put on some pictures of my guitar. Google Purdue Guitar Workshop to see some of the class pics. They have a download for the construction manual. I haven't looked to see if the 2010 class pictures are there, but be advised I look younger and much thinner in person.

Danny R. Little

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