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neck width
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Author:  michael wise [ Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  neck width

Hey guys, I got a quick question, i am making a strat and I just finished shaping the neck and applying the fretboard and im just curious, using a fender standard bridge and nut, what is the minimum width of the neck I can have at both the nut and the heel and still be playable. I got my thickness at my heel to about 54-55mm which is thinner then I wanted and now im worried about playability on my high end and I wanna know if I have any room left for final sanding

Thanks guys


Author:  Ziegenfuss [ Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: neck width

Hey Mike,

The best way to check this out it to quick tape together some paper and draw out what you are working with. Typically, with an electric (rule of thumb), you want your total neck width at the 20 or 22 fret to be that of your sting spacing. Most Fender spacing is about 52.5 mm E to E at the bridge. If you use this spacing at the 20th, you will have a slightly wider neck than if you use it at the 22nd. The nut, also factors into this (basic triangles) , so I would recommend drawing it out based on your scale length, etc...


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