Official Luthiers Forum!

Blend Potentiometer Recommendations?
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Author:  DrPax [ Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Blend Potentiometer Recommendations?


I am currently putting together a bill of materials (BOM) for my first guitar project and I need a bit of help.
At the moment I am thinking about using a Master Volume, Master Tone, and a Blend Pot. There are dozens of vendors that sell them and yet no one seems to post ratings/recommendations >.<!

My guitar teacher commented that about 20% of the StewMac blend pots are duds or expire fairly quickly.
I also know that I am going to want pots that are rated for at least 500K, preferably 1M (just to be sure :D )

Working in the IT hardware industry I'm very familiar with the consequences of using the first set of un-researched/inexpensive parts I find ;)
Hence, I am coming to you guys.


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