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My first guitar project
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Author:  Metallipea [ Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  My first guitar project

Hello I´m new new here, I´m from Estonia(most don´t know where it is), I´m 21 and I have just finished my first guitar. I wanted to share this here and I hope to get ideas for my second build.

Here are 2 albums, one is my first guitar and second one has my second build ideas.
I want to get your opinions and later, when I´ve watched most of the topics here, I may have more questions. My friend told, that this is very friendly and helpful forum, so I hope to get much feedback and tips to develope my projects to perfection.

Author:  turmite [ Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My first guitar project

Welcome, and great job on your first. That thing is crazy thin on the body. Do you have a sound clip of it? If so, post a link.

As for you secod build idea, I vote for number 4.


Author:  Metallipea [ Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My first guitar project

Well, the body idea came from my ibanez rg 370 firstly, but as you can see, mix it with ibanez S series bodystyle, tilt some body lines and use a bit design from caparison and you get this.

I like 1 and 4 myself, but 2 is intresting too, if tuned a bit. All these design ideas came to life in front of tv, just drawing some random lines.

There is one problem though, I have a bit of fret buzz from bass strings, fingerboard has a slight curve like it should have, but fret buzz starts from about 7-8th fret and stays while moving up the neck. What could be the problem?

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