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Point me to where I can get a pulley for older Sears saw?
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Author:  stardogcustoms [ Mon May 23, 2011 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Point me to where I can get a pulley for older Sears saw?

I haven't posted in a long time... been working outside on starting and finishing my new workshop - it's a 12x16 (the new part) with two other smaller buildings that were here previously...

My question - Will someone here direct me to where I can purchase a pulley for an older Sears Craftsman table saw motor? Here is a link to the motor - most parts aren't currently available, and I don't see the pulley listed. How do I go about getting a pulley for this? I bought the saw this weekend and didn't realize the pulley was missing.

Thanks - Carl from the Edge of The Big Thicket in the bustling metropolis of Kountze, Texas (population 1200) ... d=11312171

Author:  Chris Ensor [ Mon May 23, 2011 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Point me to where I can get a pulley for older Sears saw?

They carry most common sized bores and a wide range of sizes. Great prices, but a little slow in shipping.

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