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Found some figured maple on a pallet
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Author:  Chameleon [ Tue May 31, 2011 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Found some figured maple on a pallet

A true rarity, but every once in a while you can find one. I Found a pallet at work with some nicely figured maple on it. Also had a nice quartersawn main beam that could potentially serve as a neck. There's a bunch of nails sticking out of it but with some epoxy and ingenuity, it might be possible. It looks to be rock maple. The figured plank might be usable if I laminate it. If I don't use it for a neck I'm sure I'll use it for something, it sure looks nice. I'll plane it soon to really see that figure.





And if none of it's useful for guitars I'll have fun making other toys for sure!

Author:  JimO [ Tue May 31, 2011 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Found some figured maple on a pallet

Nice find. Those nails are a bite, but I'll bet you can use it.

Author:  Chameleon [ Tue May 31, 2011 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Found some figured maple on a pallet

I have enough extra boards from that pallet to do a laminate neck for sure, although only that one piece has such nice figure. Looking at it under good light, it looks like some REALLY nice quilted maple on the flat face. Maybe I'll laminate with the extra boards and make a fretboard out of the figured piece. That main beam would work but some of those nails are in there so bad the heads come off if you try to pry them out.

Any thoughts?

Author:  Chameleon [ Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Found some figured maple on a pallet

I found some more flamed maple on pallets at work. Somebody must be up to something. Check it out:


That last one is probably going to end up being an electronics cavity cover.

Pretty crazy huh?

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