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Finishing with Tru-Oil
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Author:  Chameleon [ Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Finishing with Tru-Oil

Anybody have any tips on getting an even, smooth, glossy finish with Tru-Oil? The culprit here is an awkwardly shaped piece of wood known by some as a gun stock. My problem is, after some light steel wool, the finish dulls and I want it to be shiny like it looks after a fresh coat but it always comes out uneven so I have to work out the drippy looking spots and dusty stuff from the air and start over again. I'm sure I'm just missing something here. I tried buffing it but that was even worse.

Any tips?

Author:  Chris Pile [ Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finishing with Tru-Oil

How are you applying the oil?
Light coats with a cotton rag or even your fingers will work.
Yes, steel wool will dull the finish.

Author:  cphanna [ Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finishing with Tru-Oil

Hey, Mark,
I'll bet you're using the spray can. That's kind of hard to control. Try wiping it instead. (Well.....spray a little on and then wipe it.) Be patient and build a surface finish out of many thin coats--applying a coat every 24 hours or so. At the same time, finish a piece of scrap in the same way. When you have a good surface film built up, let it cure and harden for at least a couple of weeks. A month is better. You can polish it beautifully with micro mesh pads. Start on the scrap. If you polish through, go back to applying more thin coats.

Good luck with it.

Author:  Stuart Gort [ Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finishing with Tru-Oil

Using a folded 4" t-shirt square...apply many coats in a very thin film. Scuff with gray scotchbright between coats. If you put Tru-oil on too thick it can't fully cure so keep it real thin. I apply two coats a day.

I use an automotive compound to polish with...a 3M product but I can't remember the number. Brings it up to a pretty nice gloss.

Author:  jimmysux [ Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finishing with Tru-Oil

You can also use armor all wipes to speed up the dry time on tru-oil. I would do about 12 coats total, and do a wetsand every 4th coat, then like the other gentleman said on the final coat use a 3M polishing compound.

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