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Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig
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Author:  VirgilGuitar [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig

Like to thank JimO for this thread: , where he had a very simple, yet effective fingerboard radius jig - I HAD to pimp mine out though to save time and money on double-sided tape - I made mine with a build-in vacuum press - I gotta go, so here's some pics for now:



BTW - I timed myself and it took under 4 minutes to rout it out - used a 3/4" router bit and made about 6 passes - barely seeing any lines - will take under a minute to sand down now - WOOT WOOT!

Author:  Dave Livermore [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig

Thanks for Sharing

Author:  JimO [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig

Very nice work. Like the vacuum press idea. I hate double stick tape anyway. Also like the wingnuts on the end plates. I was thinking about something like that.

Way to go! [clap]

Author:  theguitarwhisperer [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig

Had enough of the sanding beam I take it? :D

Author:  VirgilGuitar [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig

JimO wrote:
Very nice work. Like the vacuum press idea. I hate double stick tape anyway. Also like the wingnuts on the end plates. I was thinking about something like that.

Way to go! [clap]

Ha! There you are Jim! Thanks for the inspiration - been looking at a few of these over the past 6 months or so, but liked yours the best - seemed simple enough and effective and now all I have to do is make some endplates for different radii. Did ya see the thumbscrews on the underside of the conduit? I used brass inserts in the wood and they lock it in place pretty good as well. On my test board, I did notice that it went a slight bit deeper than the other end of the board, so i figured I could just slip a thin piece of veneer under the endplate. The router marks are really really REALLY faint by using a Whiteside 3/4" bit and are hard to see with the naked eye, so I am imagining that when I get my aluminum sanding beam from StewMac, it will just take a few passes to fine tune - thanks again for posting pics of your contraption - you just added some more productive hours to my life! BTW - love the purpleheart skunk stripes on that neck!

Thanks, V

Author:  Jim_H [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig

Nice Virgil. You build really nice jigs!

Now when are you going build a work bench ? :P :P

Author:  VirgilGuitar [ Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig

I got 2 of them so far - one is mainly for my inlay and little stuff and the other has my drill press/bandsaw - was thinking of a 3rd! ;)

Author:  peters instruments [ Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig

That is an interesting jig, I would never have thought of doing it that way. I have been contemplating a fretboard radius jib for a while, but was planning to make some sort of swing arm for my belt sander, I like the vacum press idea and I might have to steal it for my eventual jib :)

Author:  VirgilGuitar [ Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig

Thanks Shad - After running a couple of test pieces I noticed it went approx. 1/32" or so deeper on one side. Solution: Slipped some veneer strips under the radius board on one end and problem solved!

Author:  Erik Hauri [ Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig

Nice jig!

For the end pieces, make a single thick radius template and then slice it in half on the bandsaw.

Author:  VirgilGuitar [ Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Radius a Fingerboard in under 5 minutes Jig

Erik Hauri wrote:
Nice jig!

For the end pieces, make a single thick radius template and then slice it in half on the bandsaw.

Hmmmm, I cut a board in half, laid them side by side and routed out the half circle together - I don't have a good enough bandsaw for that ;)

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