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new template!
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Author:  Krohn [ Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  new template!


I've started from scratch. I'm nearly finished my first template, and I built it all around a centerline and neck pocket. I do believe that I've achieved the level of accuracy needed to make a WORKING electric guitar! har har har!

The body shape isn't all that original, but its better than just making another strat or les paul. One change I'm planning on making is keeping the neck cavity where it is, but moving the scale forward a little bit. I could have made the cutaways deeper, but I like the way it looks now. I guess I'll figure something out.

here's an awful picture of what my template is so far. If your wondering why there's no routes, its cause all of the hardware (except the electronics) are going to be surface mounted.

Think this looks workable so far?

Author:  Krohn [ Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: new template!

here's a better pic

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