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Drilling pilot holes for a pickguard
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Author:  MikeH [ Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Drilling pilot holes for a pickguard

Hello folks - I have frequented this forum a lot, but haven't really posted anything yet. So; hello! Lots of wonderful folks and great info here.

Today I have a question: I'm installing a pickguard on a body that has not had a pickguard installed previously. I'm concerned about drilling the pilot holes because I don't want to crack the finish. Any tips/tricks I should be aware of?


Author:  Metallipea [ Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drilling pilot holes for a pickguard

Just use small drill bit and take it easy, donĀ“t press hard on the drill, use nice sharp bits and if you think you need, you can use slightly smaller bit first and then drill it over with desired size bit. Has worked for me, but there are smarter guys out there.

Author:  Jim_H [ Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Drilling pilot holes for a pickguard

I use an awl to mark the center of the hole using the pick guard to line it up, then I use a twist (hand drill) to make a 1/16" hole about 1/4" deep, and then I take a countersink bit and spin it by hand in the hole with very light pressure, to relieve the finish a bit... The last thing I do is wick a *very* small drop of thin CA into the hole using a super small pipette.

I also have a small tool set that santa stewmac sent me that has a tap bit for various size screws. I always thread this in by hand before I run the actual screws in the first time.

I got this set as a Christmas gift last year, and was pleasantly surprised at how useful it is. It's not cheap at $37 or so. Maybe Santa will bring you one?

Here is a link to the screwdriver set ... es#details

Here is a picture of the tap bits ("Hardened Screw Starters") that are included.


Author:  alan stassforth [ Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drilling pilot holes for a pickguard

Those hardened screw starters look very useful.
Thanks Jim!

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