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Level sanding lacquer between coats with cabinet scraper?
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Author:  Irving [ Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Level sanding lacquer between coats with cabinet scraper?

I've used stearated sandpaper over the years, which still gums up pretty badly after a few moments of use.

Has anyone ever tried using a cabinet scraper to level the finish? I was using a razor blade to level and blend a few spots that I had drop filled and out of curiosity I started to do it to the entire backside of the guitar with the tiny razorblade. It worked surprisingly well and got me thinking that perhaps I could use my scraper to do the whole thing. It would never gum up, and does not consume time replacing sandpaper. Anyone ever tried it?

Author:  B. Howard [ Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Level sanding lacquer between coats with cabinet scraper?

I use a scraper on my epoxy pore fill to level it. It does gum up as the edge heats up. I would be more worried about cutting through the nitro in spots with a scraper than sandpaper. Try using less pressure and a lighter touch when level sanding, again it's the heat that causes the gumming and seeding on the paper. You could wet sand to level as well.

Author:  Irving [ Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Level sanding lacquer between coats with cabinet scraper?

Good point about the heat gumming the lacquer up. Hadn't thought about that.

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