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Quarter notes and microtonal necks
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Author:  mechanix [ Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Quarter notes and microtonal necks

Hi all. I have a customer who wants quarter note frets put on his fretboard up to fret 12 making this a 36 fret ibanez! Its for Turkish/Arabic type music where they use quarter notes a lot and as long as he pays me I'll put as many frets as he wants on the darn thing lol.

Initially I thought I would just put a fret exactly half way between each standard fret up to 12, but I've been looking around and see a lot of tempered type layouts and it got me thinking that I would need to bias the gap slightly to allow for the natural scale etc. The more I thought about it the more I puzzled myself [headinwall] so thought I'd ask you guys before my brain melts.

Has anyone here had any experience with this before? It's very late here so I'll have a look for a fret calculator that will work out exact dimensions possibly tomorrow but I'm not hopeful, the ones I have don't seem to have that function. I see a few companies have done this before me and it's nothing very new (freenote ones look interesting) but I would like a definite "this is how to work out the gaps" if you know what I mean. Any info would be appreciated guys, it's probly basic math but hey I'm getting old..


Author:  mechanix [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Quarter notes and microtonal necks

Found this..

Think it will do the job.

Author:  Andy Birko [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Quarter notes and microtonal necks

A couple of things....

First - a quarter note is a rhythmic value. The term you're looking for is quarter tone.

Putting the fret exactly half way would result in "flat" quarter tones if we're talking about an equal tempered quarter tone scale but, you're on the right track. For an equal tempered western scale, we typically calculate fret location using the "12th root of 2" method. To calculate fret locations with fret find for a 24 note scale, you simply need to use the "24th root of 2" method. So, in fret find, simply input 24 in the cell labeled calculation method and you should be good!

Good luck!

Author:  mechanix [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Quarter notes and microtonal necks

Thanks Andy, plugged that in and it looks good when I compare to the job. Will be doing this tomorrow probly. Interested to have a go on it when done tbh, never played one.

Yeah quartertones are what I meant. Was very late..

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