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Quartersawn flamed / curly maple necks
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Author:  Bosco Birdswood [ Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Quartersawn flamed / curly maple necks

Hi all, I’ve noticed with Fender’s custom shop options they offer quartersawn maple necks and flamed maple necks, but not quartersawn maple necks. Is there a reason for this? Did Stradivarius use quartersawn flamed maple on his necks for example?

I know traditionally Fender necks are seldom quartersawn, most likely to keep costs down originally, but are there any advantages of flat sawn curly maple over quartersawn, including figuring, stability, etc?


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Author:  dzsmith [ Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Quartersawn flamed / curly maple necks

I think flat sawn curly shows curl better than quarter sawn.

Author:  rlrhett [ Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Quartersawn flamed / curly maple necks

Actually, as I understand it from my fellow wood whisperers, flat sawn resists deflection better than quarter sawn. Quarter sawn is all about stability. It won't expand as much with changes in RH. But that is not the same thing as strength. If you want a board that will resist bending, flat sawn wood will do that better than the same dimensions in quarter sawn.

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