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What brand of poly?
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Author:  nickbowe [ Tue Jun 12, 2018 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  What brand of poly?

Hello Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a hard drying polyurethane.

I'm making a wooden scratch plate, I'm wanting to achieve a nice hard finish.

So far I have used some poly from Tool Station. It's oil based. I've used a wipe on technique sanding between layers, then final polishing, to a gloss. - I've let them dry for 2-3 hours between coats, and applied very thin.

I have found it's not hard wearing enough after 1 week or curing. Plus I find the finish although glossy.. to look plastic. I'm currently trying satin, same brand.

Does anyone know of a good poly or alternative that will have a less plastic finish to it? And is hard enough to prevent a finger nail scratching it.



Author:  B. Howard [ Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What brand of poly?

There are lots of great finishes, unfortunately very few are found at the hardware store these days. Peruse the finish options at Stewart McDonald or LMI to see some better options.

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